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Recharge Reloaded: History of the Spare

Recharge Reloaded: History of the Spare

Concealed carry permit classes are also very likely to be instructed by retired law enforcement officers, and this is where the issues begin to compound.

Five Tips for Teaching Single-Handed Shooting

Five Tips for Teaching Single-Handed Shooting

Is it best to perfect two-handed techniques before transitioning to single-handed shooting and handling techniques?

Pick Your Battles: Dealing With the Anti-Gun Crowd

Pick Your Battles: Dealing With the Anti-Gun Crowd

My first recommendation for anyone is to do some research. People who are against guns and gun ownership often quote “facts” and “statistics” that stretch the truth, hide the truth or ignore the truth altogether.

Draw a Bead: Know Your Pistol Sights

Draw a Bead: Know Your Pistol Sights

When I have the opportunity to turn an antique firearm in my hands, one concept that jumps out at me harder and faster than others is firearm sighting systems and their development through the years.

Concealed Carry Against A Mob: When To Draw

Concealed Carry Against A Mob: When To Draw

In light of recent riots and other mass violence, many people want to know when displaying or using a firearm is legal when faced with a mob.

Grow Up! Baseball Bats, Golf Clubs, Swords Are Not Viable Self-Defense Tools

Grow Up! Baseball Bats, Golf Clubs, Swords Are Not Viable Self-Defense Tools

With this in mind, I present to you the Poor Improvised Self-Defense Weapon Hall of Shame. These are the “weapons” I see the most often in homes of acquaintances who have convinced themselves that as long as they can get to their trusty chain saw, all will be good in the event of a home invasion.

Korwin: Self-Defense Doesn't Match The Fantasy

Korwin: Self-Defense Doesn’t Match The Fantasy

Or would it? When you read about the trials and tribulations following a self-defense shooting, it makes your blood run cold. It’s not fair.

Recreational Shooting: A Place to Start

Recreational Shooting: A Place to Start

Recreational shooting can be defined in myriad ways. For millions, the stimulating factor is simply the desire to do something new and different that is enjoyable and fun.

After the Last Bullet: Dealing with PTSD

After the Last Bullet: Dealing with PTSD

Your intuition for survival, hours of range training and constant dry-fire practice can get you through the physical part of having to shoot someone. But are you ready for the mental part?

Mouse Guns: Myths, Mysteries & Histories

Mouse Guns: Myths, Mysteries & Histories

This being a column about mouse guns, let’s open it with a definition of what, exactly, constitutes a “mouse gun.”