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9 Critical Concealed Carry Lessons: Ep. 3 Fighting with Edged Weapons

9 Critical Concealed Carry Lessons: Ep. 3 Fighting with Edged Weapons

I tell my students, “There are no professionals left when it comes to knives, myself included. But plenty of amateurs get it right every day. Put the stabby part in the other guy. Don’t let him put the stabby part in you.”

9 Critical Concealed Carry Lessons: Ep. 2 Revolver or Pistol for CCW?

9 Critical Concealed Carry Lessons: Ep. 2 Revolver or Pistol for CCW?

I have always carried autos, but that is as much a training scar as a lifestyle choice.

Check Out MGM's Portable 'Plate Rack in a Bucket'

Check Out MGM’s Portable ‘Plate Rack in a Bucket’

Why a plate rack? Because it is among the most challenging and fun targets you can shoot.

Shoot Better with These Top Five Tips for Firearms Training

Shoot Better with These Top Five Tips for Firearms Training

Proper shooting technique is a perishable skill.

Kill Trigger Flinch with Cutting-Edge Tech—MantisX Firearms Training System.

Kill Trigger Flinch with Cutting-Edge Tech—MantisX Firearms Training System.

MantisX attaches to your firearm and records trigger pull performance data for every shot you take. If you believe that “what gets measured, gets fixed” the MantisX Firearms Training System is something you might be interested in adding to your range bag.

Ep. 19 Should I Shoot? Software Upgrade

Ep. 19 Should I Shoot? Software Upgrade

It’s never too late to get the whole family on board with a security plan. Is your crew ready?

Ep. 18 Should I Shoot? Why A Gun-Mounted Light Isn't Enough

Ep. 18 Should I Shoot? Why A Gun-Mounted Light Isn’t Enough

If all you have is a concealed handgun and no means to identify other force options at your disposal, maybe it’s time to rethink the personal defense plan.

Ep. 17 Should I Shoot? The War on Police Officers

Ep. 17 Should I Shoot? The War on Police Officers

Train hard. Your life and your family are depending on you.

Ep. 16 Should I Shoot? Why You Need to Always Be in Condition Yellow

Ep. 16 Should I Shoot? Why You Need to Always Be in Condition Yellow

“Should I shoot?” is a moot question if you aren’t carrying your gun or you don’t have one within arm’s reach while you are in your home.

Force on Force Perfected--Walther's PPQ GBB

Force on Force Perfected–Walther’s PPQ GBB

Looking for a way to take your handgun skills to the next level? You have to get off the range. The Walther PPQ GBB LE Blue is the perfect option for Walther fans, and for many others, too. Force-on-force training has just gotten much more practical.