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Never Miss Again Part V: Get Your Mind Right

Never Miss Again Part V: Get Your Mind Right

The game of shooting is mostly mental, but what we practice the most are the physical elements, hoping that our mind goes along for the ride.

Top 5 Tips For Glassing Big Game

Top 5 Tips For Glassing Big Game

The good thing is that modern optics allow hunters the opportunity to view expansive terrain without wearing out our bodies and boots. Having a good system for glassing will…

Archery - Part I: Find Pronghorn Refreshment Stands From Afar

Archery – Part I: Find Pronghorn Refreshment Stands From Afar

A hands-on scouting foray for pronghorn isn’t always feasible. The good news: Finding prospective water sources where speed goats are likely to drink is possible via paper and online mapping systems.

Intro to PRS Part 2: Barricades

Intro to PRS Part 2: Barricades

Read Part 1: Intro to Precision Rifle Series — Mindset, Equipment & Skills Without a doubt, some of the most dreaded stages during precision rifle (PRS) competitions are where you have to get up from the prone and shoot from a barricade of some type.  Hardly anyone likes them, the stages often force the shooter into [...]