Smith & Wesson Brands, Inc. (NASDAQ Global Select: SWBI), a leader in firearm manufacturing and design, is proud to introduce its new folding pistol carbine, the M&P® FPCTM.
Smith & Wesson
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Smith & Wesson Releases a Folding Pistol Carbine: Introducing the FPC
BY News Wire Updated: February 28, 2023Full Pistol Review ft. Optic Ready Smith & Wesson M&P9 M2.0 Compact
BY Mitchell Graf Updated: February 26, 2023The M&P9 M2.0 has a lot going right, even straight from the factory. Not only is this pistol optic ready, but comes with seven different mounting plates.
The New Smith & Wesson M&P 5.7 — SHOT Show 2023
BY Crysta Jane Updated: February 1, 2023The Tempo Barrel System uses a locked-breech system that makes it so that the barrel doesn’t cam open until the bullet passes the gas port.
New Pistol Review: Testing the M&P9 M2.0 Metal
BY Mitchell Graf Updated: December 31, 2022While aesthetically pleasing, the S&W M&P9 M2.0 Metal remains ergonomic, functional, and has great compatibility right off the bat.
Meet the ‘Competitor’: The New Metal-Framed 9mm Pistol from Smith & Wesson
BY News Wire Updated: November 30, 2022Smith & Wesson Brands, Inc. (NASDAQ Global Select: SWBI), a leader in firearm manufacturing and design is excited to introduce a new member of the M&P metal-framed series, the Performance Center M&P9 M2.0 Competitor.
The All-New Equalizer from Smith & Wesson
BY News Wire Updated: November 8, 2022Smith & Wesson Brands, Inc. (NASDAQ Global Select: SWBI), a leader in firearm manufacturing and design, introduces the all-new S&W® EQUALIZER.
Smith & Wesson CEO Calls Out Media, Politicians for Scapegoating Gun Industry
BY Updated: August 16, 2022“It is no surprise that the cities suffering most from violent crime are the very same cities that have promoted irresponsible, soft-on-crime policies that often treat criminals as victims and victims as criminals,” observed Smith.
Smith & Wesson CEO Calls Out Media, Politicians for Scapegoating Gun Industry
BY S.H. Blannelberry Updated: August 16, 2022“It is no surprise that the cities suffering most from violent crime are the very same cities that have promoted irresponsible, soft-on-crime policies that often treat criminals as victims and victims as criminals,” observed Smith.
Smith & Wesson CEO Calls Out Media, Politicians for Scapegoating Gun Industry
BY Updated: August 16, 2022“It is no surprise that the cities suffering most from violent crime are the very same cities that have promoted irresponsible, soft-on-crime policies that often treat criminals as victims and victims as criminals,” observed Smith.
A Leadoff Home Run: Smith & Wesson Adds the 10MM AUTO to its M&P Pistol Line
BY Brian McCombie Updated: August 6, 2022The striker-fired pistol features an impressive 15+1 ammunition capacity, a 4.6-inch-long barrel, and a sight radius of nearly 7.0 inches.