Smith and Wesson

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S&W Performance Center Model 19 Carry Comp: Belch Fire And Leave No Empties Behind

S&W Performance Center Model 19 Carry Comp: Belch Fire And Leave No Empties Behind

Smith & Wesson manufactured the Model from 1957 through 1999, but it didn’t go calmly into the night.

3 - The Best Folding Firearms

The Best Folding Firearms

There are more guns that fold in half now than ever before. Folding guns are typically handy little things that thrive in how compact they can become. 

Folding 9mm Carbine! Smith & Wesson M&P FPC Reviewed

Folding 9mm Carbine! Smith & Wesson M&P FPC Reviewed

While I have seen a lot of mixed opinions regarding the FPC mainly from people who have never spent time with one, I had nothing but good times testing it out.

The S&W M&P 12 - A Sci-Fi Worthy Shotgun

The S&W M&P 12 – A Sci-Fi Worthy Shotgun

Smith and Wesson have been out of the shotgun game for quite some time. 2021 is the year in which they came back home to the shotgun market. The 12 gauge, pump-action, S&W M&P 12 was quite the shocker, especially to shotgun nerds like myself.

The S&W M&P 12 - A Sci-Fi Worthy Shotgun

The S&W M&P 12 – A Sci-Fi Worthy Shotgun

Smith and Wesson have been out of the shotgun game for quite some time. 2021 is the year in which they came back home to the shotgun market. The 12 gauge, pump-action, S&W M&P 12 was quite the shocker, especially to shotgun nerds like myself.