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Conceived in Khandahar, Born in Boonville: CMMG’s MK47 AR Runs AK Magazines

Know Where Your Ammo Comes From! Project Pole Bean: How Sneaky Green Berets Blew Up a Few Guns and Frightened an Entire Army

In 1968, American troops in Vietnam reported scattered incidents where dead NVA soldiers were found with parts of their exploded rifles protruding from their skulls. Technical Intelligence attributed this to poor metallurgy and bad ammunition. The situation was a little more complicated than it appeared.

Canadian Adapter Kit Uses AR Lower Parts for SKS Rifles

Canadian Adapter Kit Uses AR Lower Parts for SKS Rifles

A Canada-based firearms accessory manufacturer is working on an adapter kits that let SKS shooters use AR-15 lower components.

MilSurp: The SKS Carbine—What You Need To Know

MilSurp: The SKS Carbine—What You Need To Know

The SKS Carbine has been called the Soviet Union’s M1 Carbine. Like the M1 Carbine, it was designed as a lightweight, semi-automatic rifle that was handier than the standard infantry rifle.

Chinese Norinco SKS

Chinese Norinco SKS

From Iraqveteran8888: “In this video we showcase the Chinese Norinco SKS. This particular rifle is a commercial import which never saw military use such as the Chinese Type 56 rifles did.

Tapco Timbersmith Wooden AK/SKS Stocks

Timbersmith As venerable as the AK47 is as a weapon, there very few rifles that can’t use a stock upgrade. They all seem to be made for little people, and most Americans are big people. SKS rifles are even worse. Generally those stocks are weathered in cosmoline and slippery, as well as being undersized. [...]