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Human Nature, Assault Weapons, and the Massacre at Wounded Knee

The 2nd Amendment never was about hunting or sport shooting. It was about the Massacre at Wounded Knee and John Snowling’s mini massacre.

Jury Rules Man Shot In Self-Defense During April Mall Shooting

Jury Delivers Verdict for Man Who Shot YouTube Prankster — Correct Decision?

Delivery driver involved in April mall shooting found not guilty by Virginia jury who ruled it self-defense last week. 

3-Will-James Hodgkinson: The Dead Domestic Terrorist

Dr. Dabbs – James Hodgkinson: The Dead Domestic Terrorist

Part of the reason our world is so polarized these days is the nature of our modern hot-button issues. When fueled by politicians whose very professional existence is dependent upon chaos and driven by a complicit media the results can sometimes be explosive.

WATCH: Attempted Las Vegas Shooting Foiled When Armed Employee Shoots Back

An attempted shooting in Las Vegas was stopped last weekend when a concealed carrier shot back.

3-Will-Sylvia Seegrist: “My Family Makes Me Nervous”

Dr. Dabbs – Sylvia Seegrist: “My Family Makes Me Nervous”

People with schizophrenia can seem strange to the rest of us, and humans are cruel. This leads to social isolation and harassment. Over time, Sylvia’s behavior grew ever more bizarre. After sixty days on active duty, Uncle Sam decided that Sylvia Seegrist was incompatible with military service and sent her packing.

The Kent State Shootings: Glimpsing the Heart of Darkness

The Kent State Shootings: Glimpsing the Heart of Darkness

On the campus of Kent State University in Kent, Ohio, forces representing the Establishment were arrayed against a motley mob of some 2,000 students, hippies, stoners, bikers, and sundry anti-war protestors.