shooting tips

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Shooting Holes in the Sky – Choke Tubes

Shooting Holes in the Sky – Choke Tubes

practice of patterning a shotgun.  This article provides some great advice for every shotgun enthusiast that wants to be a good competitive shooter. 

Get a Grip!! - The Secret Key To Pistol Shooting

Get a Grip!! – The Secret Key To Pistol Shooting

What is the one bit of fitness you absolutely cannot ignore if you want to shoot a pistol well? And for that matter, what do the champions of action pistol shooting all have in common? Grip strength.

10 Ways to Accurize Your Rifle

10 Ways to Accurize Your Rifle

You can do many things, ranging from simple and cheap to costly and complex, to make a rifle more accurate. You may be able to do some jobs yourself with the proper expertise, tools, and machinery, but some are best left to a competent gunsmith.

The What & the Why - Rack It - Methods of Closing the Slide

The What & the Why – Rack It – Methods of Closing the Slide

What is the best way to chamber a round and close the slide on a pistol when it has been locked to the rear in the open position? This topic generates a lot of heated discussion at times because so many people believe that the way they do it is the best and that everyone should do it their way.

Free Targets and Cheap Stands: Train More Spend Less

Free Targets and Cheap Stands: Train More Spend Less

If you are preparing for a competition or just plinking with your kids, you need targets or you are just converting money into noise. Some ranges provide everything, others just provide stands. Your training or fun can hinge on your targets.