Springfield has brought several compact self-defense purposed weapons to SHOT 2020. Among them, the Saint Edge PDW is maybe the most balanced personal defense weapon (PDW) among size, firepower and deployment speed. This 5.5″ barreled, 5.56 NATO chambered AR15 is a sweet little package.
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Radically Compact & Exceedingly Portable: Springfield Armory’s SAINT Edge PDW – SHOT Show 2020
BY Riley Baxter Published: February 2, 2020 Updated: February 2, 2020Springfield Armory SAINT EDGE Pistol Unboxed at the Gun Counter
BY True Pearce Published: December 17, 2018 Updated: December 17, 2018Springfield upgrades their SAINT AR Pistol to the new premier SAINT EDGE Series lineup. The improved SAINT EDGE Pistol weighs 5.75 pounds and is only 24.6 inches long. At the same time, they loaded it up with features that are not available anywhere else at this price and make this gun a pleasure to shoot.
First Look: Springfield SAINT Edge — Full Review
BY Clay Martin Published: December 7, 2017 Updated: December 7, 2017It is pretty hard to get excited about an AR-15 in the current marketplace, which as a consumer is a good problem to have. I am certain there is an analogy in me somewhere that is family website friendly but let’s all just use our own imaginations instead. I have reviewed three SAINT models in the last 365 days if you count the pistol, and I count the pistol. It was going to have to be spectacular to get my attention.
And on this one, Springfield Armory delivered in spades.