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Winchester Recalling Three Lots of .38 Special Ammo

Winchester Recalling Three Lots of .38 Special Ammo

Winchester is recalling three lots of .38 Special ammunition. According to Winchester some of the ammunition may have incorrect powder charges.

Duck Hunt Turns Near-Fatal After “Freak Accident” Leaves Hunter with Gaping Wound (Graphic Images)

Duck Hunt Turns Near-Fatal After “Freak Accident” Leaves Hunter with Gaping Wound (Graphic Images)

WARNING! GRAPHIC CONTENT – When Cody Shipman, 24, and Hayden James, 15, set out to hunt Mallards one frosty January morning on the Snake River in Oregon, they expected the excursion to end like any other: with birds in the boat. But what should have been a successful hunt turned near-fatal after a simple mistake left Shipman with a gruesome wound that’s taken four surgeries to mend.