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LaPierre: U.S. Virgin Islands Order Shows Link Between Registration Lists And Confiscation

The NRA is Not an Enemy, They’re Just Moderately Pro-Gun

For many pro-gunners, this is untenable. The country’s preeminent gun-rights organization cannot support the single biggest infringement on the Second Amendment in our nation’s history. Suddenly, “Freedom’s Safest Place” isn’t just a stupid slogan. It’s a lie.

NY Senate Dems Introduce 9 ‘Smart’ Gun Control Bills

NY Senate Dems Introduce 9 ‘Smart’ Gun Control Bills

Senate Dems introduced nine new gun control bills this week. What Senate Democratic Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins referred to as “smart” gun safety legislation.

Utah CCL Holder Saves Police Officer’s Life Without Firing a Shot

Utah CCL Holder Saves Police Officer’s Life Without Firing a Shot

“Had he not been in the right place at the right time, who knows what would have happened,” Corporal Cory Waters told local media. “But he definitely stopped the attack from continuing and becoming much worse. He might have even saved either one of their lives. It could have gone really bad, even for the suspect.”

ATF Asked the Public for Comment on Bump Stock Ban, Here's How We Responded...

ATF Asked the Public for Comment on Bump Stock Ban, Here’s How We Responded…

“Proposed bump stock regulation meets strong opposition in public comments.” The ATF asked how we felt about it. And we answered.

Women of the #MeToo Movement Should Consider Gun Ownership Says Rape Survivor

Women of the #MeToo Movement Should Consider Gun Ownership Says Rape Survivor

“I think the #MeToo movement and the movement for women’s right to self defense or really anyone’s right to self defense, they sort of go hand-in-hand,” Lindquist told Circa.

Clay's Gun Industry Predictions for 2018

Clay’s Gun Industry Predictions for 2018

Unlike most 2018 firearms industry prediction lists, I like to do mine after SHOT Show. That way it takes longer than three weeks for me to have to try and forget I made this list with a bottle of Jameson.

Maybe this Will Be the Lawsuit that Overturns May-Issue Concealed Carry in New York

Maybe this Will Be the Lawsuit that Overturns May-Issue Concealed Carry in New York

“We’re going to try to get the courts, particularly in New York, to look at the Second Amendment as a right that extends to everybody no matter where they may be, with some restrictions,” Tom King, president of the roughly 35,000-member Rifle & Pistol Association, told the Times-Union.

Congress Seeks to Ban Flamethrowers Days After Musk’s Sell Out

Congress Seeks to Ban Flamethrowers Days After Musk’s Sell Out

In their latest attempt at useless, unnecessary “weapon” bans, the anti-gun (read: anti-freedom, anti-fun) contingent in Congress has proposed the “Flamethrowers? Really? Act.”

Washington State Bill Would Require CCW Holders to Seek Permission to Bring a Gun into Another’s Home

Washington State Bill Would Require CCW Holders to Seek Permission to Bring a Gun into Another’s Home

“Persons who do not like guns should have certain rights, too,” Cofer told the committee. “I want to keep guns out of my home, even if I can’t avoid them anywhere else.”

Korwin: Fake News vs. Phony News - They're NOT the Same Thing!

Korwin: Fake News vs. Phony News – They’re NOT the Same Thing!

Reporters adamantly reject the definition of phony news because, according to critics, they cannot see the truth it contains. In contrast, fake news is a problem everyone recognizes as a problem.