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Vista Outdoors Putting Savage Arms Up for Sale

Vista Outdoors Putting Savage Arms Up for Sale

Vista Outdoors announced Tuesday that it is considering putting Savage Arms up for sale as part of a “strategic business transformation plan.” 

Texas Woman to Shovel-Wielding Intruder: ‘One more step I’ll kill you’

Texas Woman to Shovel-Wielding Intruder: ‘One more step I’ll kill you’

A Texas woman last week used a firearm to defend herself and her 17-year-old daughter from a shovel-wielding intruder.

How a Muster Day Revival Could Secure Second Amendment Rights for Future Generations

How a Muster Day Revival Could Secure Second Amendment Rights for Future Generations

You didn’t learn about this in your public high school history class, at least not recently. “Muster Day” was established in the United States after the passage of the Militia Acts of 1792 and remained a yearly tradition until the Civil War.

The Crackdown Continues: School Suspends Son of 'Red Sweater Guy' for Gun Pic

The Crackdown Continues: School Suspends Son of ‘Red Sweater Guy’ for Gun Pic

“I’m not sure what the school wants investigated,” Bone told the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. “There’s no threat to the school — the picture is over a year old.”

Infographic Shows Economic Impact of Firearms Industry: Anti-Gun States Better Pay Attention!

Infographic Shows Economic Impact of Firearms Industry: Anti-Gun States Better Pay Attention!

A new breakdown from HowMuch.net indicates that a state’s pro-gun policies do not always translate to a more robust gun industry. HowMuch.net analyzed job totals and average wages from data collected from the National Shooting Sports Foundation’s Firearms and Ammunition Industry Economic Impact Report from 2017 to get a snapshot of the size of the industry in each state.

Armed Woman Fights Off Man with A Gun Trying to Rob Her Husband

Armed Woman Fights Off Man with A Gun Trying to Rob Her Husband

A would-be thief in Memphis tried one of the oldest tricks in the book last weekend, but he didn’t count on his target being armed.

Pro-Gun Parkland Student ‘Interrogated’ by Police for Shooting AR at Gun Range

Pro-Gun Parkland Student ‘Interrogated’ by Police for Shooting AR at Gun Range

Kashuv told Tucker Carlson of Fox News that he believes it was “a clear attempt to intimidate me,” noting, “they used very, very, very harsh intimidation tactics.”

Korwin: How to Ban the AR-15

Korwin: How to Ban the AR-15

Banning the AR-15, America’s Rifle, as media-promoted child “survivors” are trying to force upon this great nation, is not only a bad idea, it’s illegal — infringement — and as a practical matter, it’s hard.

Wikipedia Censors 'Gun Rights'

Wikipedia Censors ‘Gun Rights’

References to gun rights are redirected to politics. Propaganda is now “Wikiganda.”

Study: Firearm Homicide Rate for Black Men 29 Per 100,000; White Men 2 Per 100,000

Study: Firearm Homicide Rate for Black Men 29 Per 100,000; White Men 2 Per 100,000

“The most surprising thing to me when I was conducting the analysis was how different the rates were across states,” Corinne Riddell, a postdoctoral researcher at McGill University in Canada who was lead author of the study.