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Former Anti-Gunner Explains Why He Changed Sides and Joined NRA & GOA

Former Anti-Gunner Explains Why He Changed Sides and Joined NRA & GOA

“I joined the NRA and Gun Owners of America because the groupthink that I once spewed hurts law-abiding citizens and does nothing to prevent the next deranged copycat criminal,” writes Goodman.

Exclusive: 'Sending People Home To Die,' The Truth About Red Flag Laws

Exclusive: ‘Sending People Home To Die,’ The Truth About Red Flag Laws

“You’re sending people home to die,” said Jim. That’s the reality of a Red Flag law that fixates on confiscation and says nothing about treatment.

When It Comes to Safe Storage Only the Gun Industry Puts Its Money Where Its Mouth Is

When It Comes to Safe Storage Only the Gun Industry Puts Its Money Where Its Mouth Is

Both sides of this debate want to keep kids safe, properly secure firearms, and avoid another Santa Fe massacre, but only the pro-gun community has donated millions of dollars to the effort. If they really care about protecting kids, the anti-gun lobby should do the same.

1000 Shootings in Chicago, Gun Group Tells Emanuel: ‘Time to Go’

Rahm Emanuel’s Advice Days After Sandy Hook: ‘Tap Peoples Emotions’

“Go for a vote this week before it fades. Tap peoples emotion. Make it simple assault weapons,” advised Emanuel.

Elizabeth Warren Pledges to Never Take NRA Money (As If They'd Ever Give Her Any)

Elizabeth Warren Pledges to Never Take NRA Money (As If They’d Ever Give Her Any)

“I’m running for re-election to the U.S. Senate here in Massachusetts, and I pledge not to take a single penny from the National Rifle Association,” Warren said in a NowThis video.

WATCH: Off-Duty Police Officer Shoots Thug Trying to Rob Mothers and Children

WATCH: Off-Duty Police Officer Shoots Thug Trying to Rob Mothers and Children

It takes a special kind of scumbag to rob mothers and children outside of a school, but Elivelton Neves Moreira thought he was up to the task earlier this month in Sao Paolo, Brazil.

CCRKBA: How Come Anti-Gunners Never Blame the Murderer?

CCRKBA: How Come Anti-Gunners Never Blame the Murderer?

“Time after time, with endless fund raising appeals and inflammatory rhetoric, we’ve seen these anti-rights lobbying groups immediately try to shift blame to the NRA, or the Second Amendment, or the firearms industry, or some mythical loophole in the law,” he observed. “But they never seem to point their fingers at the culprit, and we think it’s time for the American public to ask why?”

The Blueprint for Success: How Delaware Gun Owners Are Beating Back a Black Rifle Ban

The Blueprint for Success: How Delaware Gun Owners Are Beating Back a Black Rifle Ban

“The first thing I can tell people who are facing this sort of thing in their state is to get as informed as you can,” said Mitch. “Then rally all the like-minded people that you can muster. The collective voice will help you sway a couple politicians your way, and maybe you can shut these kinda things down.”

WATCH: Former Marine Uses Handgun to Protect Home, Property from Robbers

WATCH: Former Marine Uses Handgun to Protect Home, Property from Robbers

“We have to be able to protect our property and our homes,” he said. “People work too hard for things for people coming in a stealing stuff.”

Esquire Writer: 'Okay, Now I Actually Do Want To Take Your Guns'

Esquire Writer: ‘Okay, Now I Actually Do Want To Take Your Guns’

“So now I’m angry. Now I’m finished trying to reason with you. So now I, a guy who was ambivalent about guns just a few years ago, want to take your guns away. All of them,” writes Holmes.