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Cody Wilson Drops New 'Ghost Gunner' Package, Adds 1911s and Glocks

Defense Distributed on Beating Back DOJ Censorship of DIY Firearms: ‘The era of the downloadable gun has formally begun’

With help from the Second Amendment Foundation, Defense Distributed and Cody Wilson – 3D-printed guns in all flavors – are back.

Failure to Secure Guns May Lead to $10,000 Fine Under New Seattle Law

Failure to Secure Guns May Lead to $10,000 Fine Under New Seattle Law

“This is the kind of action we need to save lives. While we can’t prevent every gun death or injury, we can take steps to help prevent future tragedies,” said Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan.

SAF, NRA Rejoice, Everytown Cries After Trump Taps Kavanaugh for SCOTUS

SAF, NRA Rejoice, Everytown Cries After Trump Taps Kavanaugh for SCOTUS

President Trump announced last night his nominee to replace Justice Anthony Kennedy on the United States Supreme Court, galvanizing both pro- and anti-gun groups to support or oppose Trump’s pick, respectively.

Gallup: 88 Percent of Republicans, 24 Percent of Dems Have Favorable View of NRA

Gallup: 88 Percent of Republicans, 24 Percent of Dems Have Favorable View of NRA

“Given the high percentage of Republicans who view the NRA favorably, it may be extremely difficult for a GOP candidate who opposes the group to win a primary election. Likewise, a pro-NRA Democrat may have trouble emerging from a primary to run in a general election,” it continues.

WATCH: Concealed-Carrying Waitress Stops Sucker-Punching Attacker

WATCH: Concealed-Carrying Waitress Stops Sucker-Punching Attacker

“People need to see this,” Donovan told news affiliate TMJ 4. “It’s shocking. But this is what’s happening in some parts of our city. This comes amid a spike in crime in my district. If we don’t start paying attention to neighborhoods that are on the fence, they’re going to fall on the wrong side of the fence.”

Texas Mom Shoots Carjacker in the Face to Protect Children in Vehicle

Texas Mom Shoots Carjacker in the Face to Protect Children in Vehicle

“I’m not a killer or anything, but I do believe in defending what’s mine,” she continued. “I hope that woke him up.”

Cobalt Kinetics Debuts Forged Upper Conversion Kit 'Featureless' AR Lower (50-State Legal)

Cobalt Kinetics Debuts Forged Upper Conversion Kit ‘Featureless’ AR Lower (50-State Legal)

Cobalt Kinetics is launching a lower receiver only version of their “featureless” Model 27 rifle for people looking to build their own rifles.

Exclusive: How the FBI’s Bureaucratic Incompetence is Denying Citizens Their 2A Rights

Exclusive: How the FBI’s Bureaucratic Incompetence is Denying Citizens Their 2A Rights

“The FBI has taken this absurd position that, ‘We’re not going to process this appeal because it’s not for a Title I firearm,’” he explained. “They say that for the NFA, it’s completely different. You don’t have a right to appeal it, so you’re basically SOL. And I think that’s just wrong.”

California Supreme Court Upholds Ban on New Handguns

California Supreme Court Upholds Ban on New Handguns

The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) along with the Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers’ Institute (SAAMI) sued the state in 2014 arguing that its impossible to comply with the microstamping requirement because it is not reliable nor is it ready for market.

Democratic Senator Claims 'Inaction' on Gun Control is 'Green Light' for 'Would-Be Shooters'

Democratic Senator Claims ‘Inaction’ on Gun Control is ‘Green Light’ for ‘Would-Be Shooters’

“So awful that my colleagues still don’t understand their unconscionable silence has become a green light for would-be shooters, who perceive inaction as endorsement,” said Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT).