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Ted Nugent Accused of Banning Guns at Virginia Concert, Mandating Gun-Free Zone

Ted Nugent Accused of Banning Guns at Virginia Concert, Mandating Gun-Free Zone

“Given the things that have happened in nightclubs like the Pulse and what happened in Manchester, (Nugent’s) security people are taking extra precautions,” Schon continued. “They are not novices; they are very seasoned people.”

Gun-Rights Leader Discusses How He Got Duped Into Supporting Arming Toddlers by Borat Creator

Gun-Rights Leader Discusses How He Got Duped Into Supporting Arming Toddlers by Borat Creator

“To feed him, take his lunch box and push it into his tummy like this,” explains Van Cleave, while loading the magazine. “Just remember to point Puppy Pistol’s mouth right at the middle of the bad man. If he has a big fat tummy, point at that.”

Illinois Governor Signs Red Flag Confiscation, 72-Hour Waiting Period Bills

Illinois Governor Signs Red Flag Confiscation, 72-Hour Waiting Period Bills

“Today, Illinois took a step in the right direction to ensure people in a crisis can’t access guns,” said former Democratic Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords on Facebook.

NRA-ILA: Justice Scalia Made Clear the Second Amendment and Heller Prohibit 'Assault Weapon' Bans

NRA-ILA: Justice Scalia Made Clear the Second Amendment and Heller Prohibit ‘Assault Weapon’ Bans

Roughly five million Americans own AR-style semiautomatic rifles. The overwhelming majority of citizens who own and use such rifles do so for lawful purposes, including self-defense and target shooting. Under our precedents, that is all that is needed for citizens to have a right under the Second Amendment to keep such weapons.

Korwin: Americans Agree on 15 Gun Policies - Not!

Korwin: Americans Agree on 15 Gun Policies – Not!

Science News, a once respectable digest of important developments in scientific discovery, has abandoned even the pretense of neutrality or science, with a new report on firearms based solely on the nation’s leading gun-control advocates.

Dem Candidate Caught on Camera: ‘Assault Weapons’ Should Be Banned But I Can’t Say So Publicly

Dem Candidate Caught on Camera: ‘Assault Weapons’ Should Be Banned But I Can’t Say So Publicly

“When I was at this thing today, it was the first table I was at, a woman said, ‘How do you feel about assault rifles?’ And I said they should be banned,” said Tedra Cobb to a group of teens at a May 18th event.

Academy Sports Store Manager Fired for Tackling, Stopping Gun Thief

Academy Sports Store Manager Fired for Tackling, Stopping Gun Thief

“My employee yelled stop that man,” Crouch said. “I turned and looked and saw Mr. White running from the gun bar toward the front of the store with a firearm in his hand. At the front door is where I stopped him. I tackled him to the ground. We apprehended him, um, and detained him. We secured the firearm.”

Gun Groups Sue California DOJ Over Registration Disaster

Gun Groups Sue California DOJ Over Registration Disaster

“We’re suing because California DOJ’s Firearms Application Reporting System (CFARS) broke down during the deadline week for people to register their firearms in accordance with new state laws,” said Second Amendment Foundation founder and Executive Vice President Alan Gottlieb.

Exclusive: Public Records Prove California Gun Registration Was a Total Disaster

Exclusive: Public Records Prove California Gun Registration Was a Total Disaster

No one is surprised that the California gun registration website crashed and burned last week, but that doesn’t make it any better for the thousands of Golden State gun owners who unwillingly (or unwittingly) became criminals on July 1.

The FBI is Adding New Database for Wider Background Checks on Gun Purchasers

The FBI is Adding New Database for Wider Background Checks on Gun Purchasers

The Federal Bureau of Investigation will now use the Law Enforcement National Data Exchange when performing background checks for gun purchases.