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SAF Sues Government Attorneys Trying to Block Downloadable Guns

SAF Sues Government Attorneys Trying to Block Downloadable Guns

“What Grewal and Feuer are attempting is an unconstitutional exercise of prior restraint,” said SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb. “They are trying to prevent Defense Distributed and its founder, Cody Wilson, from exercising free speech under color of law.”

Virginia Governor Looking to Block Schools from Arming Teachers

Virginia Governor Looking to Block Schools from Arming Teachers

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam this week criticized a school board’s decision to arm teachers, saying that the attorney general is currenlty investigating the legality of the proposal.

The Good Guy with a Gun: Total Myth I Swear

The Good Guy with a Gun: Total Myth I Swear

FreedomToons released another winner this week. This pro-gun cartoon, humorously titled, “The Good Guy with a Gun: Total Myth I Swear” (see below) destroys the narrative propagated by anti-gunners that defensive gun uses are almost non-existent.

Exclusive: Not Worth the Wait. The Inconclusive, Contradictory Research on Waiting Period Laws

Exclusive: Not Worth the Wait. The Inconclusive, Contradictory Research on Waiting Period Laws

On its face, the idea shows promise. Everyone has contemplated or committed actions in times of crisis that they later regret when cooler heads prevail. But does the real-world data back up the feel-good policy?

NY Gov. Cuomo Gives Best Argument for Senate to Appoint Kavanaugh to SCOTUS

NY Gov. Cuomo Gives Best Argument for Senate to Appoint Kavanaugh to SCOTUS

“As a member of our nation’s highest court, Brett Kavanaugh threatens to overturn the NY Safe Act and put New Yorkers in danger. He must be stopped,” wrote Gov. Andrew Cuomo.

BREAKING: In Stunning Decision, 9th Circuit Rules in Favor of Open Carry

BREAKING: In Stunning Decision, 9th Circuit Rules in Favor of Open Carry

Pigs are flying, Hell hath frozen, and the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals just handed down a pro-gun ruling. In a 2-1 decision, a three-judge panel of the full court ruled that the state of Hawaii violated the Second Amendment rights of a man named George Young when they denied him a permit to openly carry a loaded firearm in public.

Interview Exclusive: Outdoor Journalist Calls for Hunters to Leave NRA

Interview Exclusive: Outdoor Journalist Calls for Hunters to Leave NRA

It’s just too far gone. I can’t look at the platform of fear and hate and misinformation that the NRA is spreading and hold anything but animosity towards that organization.

Video Shows Pawn Shop Clerk Fatally Shooting Robber

Video Shows Pawn Shop Clerk Fatally Shooting Robber

“The suspect could have left. He could have left the store then, but instead he continued to pursue (the clerk), and immediately as he comes around the corner again, points the gun again. The clerk defends himself,” Edwards said.

Toronto Mayor: 'Why does anyone… need to have a gun at all?'

Toronto Mayor: ‘Why does anyone… need to have a gun at all?’

No details have emerged about the murderer who killed two and injured 12 last night in Toronto, but that hasn’t stopped the city’s highest officials from leveraging the attack to support their anti-gun agenda.

SAF & NRA Sue Seattle Over Mandatory Storage Ordinance Carrying $10,000 Fine for Noncompliance

SAF & NRA Sue Seattle Over Mandatory Storage Ordinance Carrying $10,000 Fine for Noncompliance

“The City of Seattle has been trying to erode state preemption almost from the moment it was passed back in 1985,” recalled SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb.