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The House's vote on Colorado's ban on "assault weapons."

Colorado’s ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban Moves to Senate

The bill, if passed, would largely ban the sale and transfer of semiautomatic weapons in Colorado, with certain exceptions, joining some 10 other states with similar laws.

William Kirk, Washington Gun Law President.

This Should End the ‘Hi-Cap’ Mag Ban Debate Forever!

The report (see below), which meticulously examined ATF data, exposes just how prevalent these magazines are in the marketplace.

A knife attack in Sydney, Australia left six people dead and several others injured.

Knife Rampage in Sydney Exposes Perils of Disarmament, Says CCRKBA

“Those who would disarm law-abiding U.S. citizens are the real enemies of public safety,” Gottlieb stated, condemning the disarmament as a “dangerous fantasy.”

David Hogg gets schooled by Chinese immigrant on gun control.

WATCH: David Hogg Gets Owned By Chinese Immigrant on Gun Control

“Well then, the debate on gun control is over because I will never give up my guns. Never, never.”

Harris and Biden.

Gun Rights Groups Slam Biden’s New Rule Expanding Background Checks

The Biden Administration’s latest move to expand background check requirements for private gun sales has sparked intense reactions from firearm rights organizations.

'Enforce or Resign' Says New Mexico Governor to Sheriffs Regarding New Red Flag Law

Albuquerque Gun-Control Task Force Sputters to a Halt

Calling “gun violence” a “public health crisis” is also code-speak for using taxpayer funds to implement more gun control and usurp the Constitution to limit rights.

Biden Signs Bipartisan 'Safer Communities Act' with Help from These 15 GOP Senators

How Federal Agencies Enlisted Financial Giants to Spy on Americans

The goal? To snoop on Americans’ private financial dealings without the usual legal red tape.

eForms are being processed at an improved rate.

eForms Just Got A Whole Lot Faster!

Transfer times for eForm applications continue to fall!

SAF Rebuts AG Ferguson’s Falsehoods About Courts and Mag Bans

“We’re not sure why the media allows Ferguson to get away with such statements without some fact-checking,” Gottlieb questioned.

A doctor with a gun ban sign.

How They Will Use Your Doctor to Disarm You

In a striking development within the medical community, the personal matter of gun ownership is creeping into patient questionnaires.