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Suit Filed to Get SCOTUS to Tackle Interstate Handgun Transfer Ban

Suit Filed to Get SCOTUS to Tackle Interstate Handgun Transfer Ban

The Supreme Court of the United States has refused to hear any major gun-related cases since the Heller and McDonald rulings nearly a decade ago. Now that the court’s makeup has shifted, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) is petitioning SCOTUS to rule on what they say is an outdated ban on interstate handgun sales.

New York Law Would Check Social Media Before Issuing Gun Licenses

New York Law Would Check Social Media Before Issuing Gun Licenses

Senate Bill 9191 would require that anyone getting a state handgun license to have “his or her social media accounts and search engine history reviewed.”

NRA and Second Amendment Foundation File Suit in Washington over I-1639

NRA and Second Amendment Foundation File Suit in Washington over I-1639

Following the passage of some of the strictest gun control legislation in the country, the NRA and the Second Amendment Foundation are suing Washing state.

Mother Jones: Ban All Semiautomatic Firearms

Mother Jones: Ban All Semiautomatic Firearms

“I would ban all semiautomatics,” wrote Drum in a recent article. “That would leave the gun owners of America with three types of weapons they could legally own: single-action revolvers, shotguns, bolt-action/pump-action rifles.”

Democratic Rep: 'Don’t Want to Give Up Your Guns? We’ll Nuke You!'

Democratic Rep: ‘Don’t Want to Give Up Your Guns? We’ll Nuke You!’

California Rep. Eric Swalwell (D) believes an “assault weapons” ban isn’t enough. He wants to confiscate all semi-automatic rifles, and he’s willing to use any means necessary to achieve his gun-free utopic vision.

Sign Petition Calling for Arrest of Anti-Gun Hypocrite Ashton Kutcher (Who Illegally Transferred Firearm, Allegedly)

Sign Petition Calling for Arrest of Anti-Gun Hypocrite Ashton Kutcher (Who Illegally Transferred Firearm, Allegedly)

Want a good “common sense” gun policy? How about legislation that bans actors and Hollywood types from pontificating on guns, gun laws, gun handling, and gun control? The latest gun-related bungle comes from Ashton Kutcher, the now 40-year-old star of That 70’s Show and subsequent mediocre romantic comedies. (So, an expert on gun laws.)

NSSF: California Department of Justice Issues Clarification for Purchasing Firearms

NSSF: California Department of Justice Issues Clarification for Purchasing Firearms

Californians who wish to avoid problems in the future should consider applying for and acquiring a “REAL ID” through the DMV.

And So It Begins: House Dems Move to Ban AR Parts Kits

And So It Begins: House Dems Move to Ban AR Parts Kits

Democrats filed H.R. 7115 even before they regained control of the U.S. House of Representatives, and now that they hold a solid majority, they’re ready to make their gun control fantasies come true.

Billionaire Money Managers Pressure Gun Industry to Follow Five New Principles

Billionaire Money Managers Pressure Gun Industry to Follow Five New Principles

“The groups and individuals behind this scheme are not friends of private gun ownership. They want to open a new front in the attack on Second Amendment rights,” he added.

House Dems Will Seek to Criminalize Private Transfers in 2019

House Dems Will Seek to Criminalize Private Transfers in 2019

“I do believe, because in this Congress…there is bipartisan legislation to have common sense background checks to prevent guns going into the wrong hands. It doesn’t cover everything, but it will save many lives,” said House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) last week in an interview with CNN.