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Everytown Claims Victory in 2018 Over NRA ‘Cockroaches’

Everytown Claims Victory in 2018 Over NRA ‘Cockroaches’

“The NRA lobbyists are like cockroaches. Just when you think you’ve gotten rid of all of them, you shine a flashlight and there they are,” Shannon Watts, the founder of Moms Demand Action, the grassroots arm of Everytown for Gun Safety told NBC News.

California Lawmaker Wants to Tax Sale of All Handguns, Semiautomatics

California Lawmaker Wants to Tax Sale of All Handguns, Semiautomatics

A state lawmaker in California last week announced his plan to tax the sale of certain firearms and to use the revenue to fund community violence-prevention programs. Introduced as AB-18, the legislation would impose an “excise tax on the sales of handguns and semiautomatic rifles and would require the revenue collected from that tax to [...]

Say Hello to Shorter Waits, E-Filing for Form 1 Applications is Back

Say Hello to Shorter Waits, E-Filing for Form 1 Applications is Back

Form 1 electronic submissions are back. After a long wait and longer delays, the ATF is now receiving electronic submissions in addition to paper submissions, according to NFA Lawyers.

Court of Appeals Upholds New Jersey Law Banning 15-Round Mags

Court of Appeals Upholds New Jersey Law Banning 15-Round Mags

A federal appeals court upheld New Jersey’s magazine capacity limit laws, arguing 2-1 that three 10-round magazines are just as good as two 15-rounders.

Scalise Explains to Whoopi Goldberg of 'The View' Why He is Still Pro-2A

Scalise Explains to Whoopi Goldberg of ‘The View’ Why He is Still Pro-2A

“I’ve got deep-rooted conservative beliefs but they’re rooted in what the fundamental foundation of this country is based on,” said Scalise.

Boulder Residents Given 23 Days to 'Certify' Assault Weapons or Face Fines, Jail

Boulder Residents Given 23 Days to ‘Certify’ Assault Weapons or Face Fines, Jail

Residents of Boulder, Co., have until December 27 to “certify” their “assault weapons” or remove the firearms from city limits. Those who fail to comply could face fines, jail time, and confiscation and destruction of their firearms.

Harvard Student Gets the Boot Over Legally Owned, Stored Firearms

Harvard Student Gets the Boot Over Legally Owned, Stored Firearms

“All of us are uncomfortable having the firearms in the house, and… their presence causes anxiety and deprives us of the quiet enjoyment of the premises to which we are entitled,” the email says. “Please take appropriate steps to confirm the firearms are being maintained legally, and that they were locked and kept in a secure container.”

North Carolina Constitutionally Enshrines the Right to Hunt

North Carolina Constitutionally Enshrines the Right to Hunt

“This is an important piece of legislation designed to safeguard North Carolina’s hunting heritage,” said NRA spokesman Lars Dalseide.

Georgia Lawmaker Introduces Constitutional Carry Legislation

Georgia Lawmaker Introduces Constitutional Carry Legislation

“I don’t believe it’s radical at all. I think it’s conservative. It’s constitutional,” Gurtler continued. “In the constitution it says (the right to keep and bear arms) ‘shall not be infringed.’ We believe that’s a no-compromise statement.”

Updated Study Finds Mass Public Shootings More Frequent Outside U.S. and Increasing Much More Quickly

Updated Study Finds Mass Public Shootings More Frequent Outside U.S. and Increasing Much More Quickly

An updated study from the Crime Prevention Research Center has found that, contrary to former President Barack Obama and the rest of the mainstream media, mass public shootings occur at much higher rates in countries outside the U.S. and these rates have been increasing in recent years.