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Key Case Challenging Fed Ban of Handgun Sales to Non-State Residents Gains Momentum

Key Case Challenging Fed Ban of Handgun Sales to Non-State Residents Gains Momentum

The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms continues to gain support for their lawsuit challenging the Fed’s ban on handgun sales to non-state residents.

Long Island Authorities Hold Toy Gun Buyback for Children

Long Island Authorities Hold Toy Gun Buyback for Children

“The purpose is to offer safe alternative to toy guns. We don’t want the kids playing with guns. Guns are dangerous,” added Hempstead Village Trustee LaMont Johnson.

Download This Free Children's Book that Teaches Kids About Self-Defense

Download This Free Children’s Book that Teaches Kids About Self-Defense

Happy is a very happy porcupine! That’s because Happy has special self-defense skills, and he wants to show you how they work.

Face 10 Years In Prison If You Don't Surrender Your Bump Stock in 90 Days

NRA Releases Statement on Bump Stock Ban, Confiscation

Rather than sit back and watch a legislative over-reaction, the NRA asked Congress to let ATF review its prior determinations on bump fire stocks.

Arkansas Governor Signals Support for Reduced Concealed Carry Fees

Arkansas Governor Signals Support for Reduced Concealed Carry Fees

“I fully support their efforts, and if the legislature passes this bill in the upcoming session, I will sign it into law,” said the governor.

Last Call for Bump Stocks! Slide Fire is Shutting Down Soon

BREAKING: It’s Now Official. Trump Admin Bans Bump Stocks

The Trump administration officially banned bump stocks Tuesday morning. Those in possession of the reciprocating stocks will have 90 days to turn ’em in or destroy ’em.

New York Dems to Push These 4 Gun Control Measures in 2019

New York Dems to Push These 4 Gun Control Measures in 2019

“We will be getting together over the next few weeks, where people will have a clear understanding of so many of the things that are going to be facing us,” said Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins (D-Yonkers).

Pittsburgh Mayor Thumbs Nose at State Legislature, Proposes Trio of Gun Ban Measures

Pittsburgh Mayor Thumbs Nose at State Legislature, Proposes Trio of Gun Ban Measures

Pittsburgh Mayor William Peduto has been a busy boy. Last week he was in Paris grandstanding about climate change, and now he’s sticking his proverbial finger in the eye of the Pennsylvania state legislature by proposing a trio of anti-gun measures in direct contradiction to the state’s firearms preemption law.

Must-Watch Video: Stossel, Lott Debunk Fake News on Mass Public Shootings in U.S.

Must-Watch Video: Stossel, Lott Debunk Fake News on Mass Public Shootings in U.S.

Lott’s team also found that the U.S. ranks 62nd, below countries like Norway (14), Finland (31), Switzerland (45) and Russia (51), when it comes the murder rate from mass public shootings per 100,000 people.

Teachers Should Be Armed, Trained Says Florida Commission

Teachers Should Be Armed, Trained Says Florida Commission

“In the ideal world, we shouldn’t need anyone on campus with a gun, but that’s not the world we live in today,” Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd, a member of the commission, told the Sun-Sentinel. “One’s not enough. Two’s not enough. We need multiple people in order to protect the children.”