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Teachers Now Have Confiscation Power Under New York’s Red Flag Law

Teachers Now Have Confiscation Power Under New York’s Red Flag Law

Teachers, along with police officers and family members, now have confiscation power in the Empire State thanks to a new law signed by Gov. Cuomo on Monday.

Democrats Reject Amendment that Would Have Required ICE Notification for Failed Background Check

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that anti-gun politicians care far more about scoring political points than reducing crime. Their support for policies that have no discernable effect on crime rates is proof enough for that. But sometimes they make their motivations more obvious than usual.

Shots Fired as Woman, 79, Halts Home Invasion by Herself

Shots Fired as Woman, 79, Halts Home Invasion by Herself

A 79-year-old Georgia woman spent nearly 10 minutes on the phone with a 911 dispatcher – while holding a burglar at bay with her handgun.

Rhode Island Governor Pushes 'Assault Weapons' Ban, Confiscation of 'Hi-Cap' Mags

Rhode Island Governor Pushes ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban, Confiscation of ‘Hi-Cap’ Mags

“You don’t want guns in proximity to kids in schools, period,” Raimondo said.

Los Angeles Ordinance Creates NRA 'Blacklist'

Los Angeles Ordinance Creates NRA ‘Blacklist’

Last week, the Los Angeles City Council by a vote of 14-0 approved an ordinance that would require city contractors to disclose any and all financial ties to the National Rifle Association.

Nevada Senate Passes Bill to Criminalize Private Transfers

Nevada Senate Passes Bill to Criminalize Private Transfers

“But we stand here today because for too long the will of the voters was ignored.  That hopefully will change today,” Gov. Sisolak said.

Court-Ordered Gun Seizures Spike Nationally Under Red Flag Laws

Court-Ordered Gun Seizures Spike Nationally Under Red Flag Laws

“This can help prevent violent behavior before it turns into a tragedy,” said Chris Cox, the executive director of the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action.

Washington State Sheriffs Refuse to Enforce Gun Control, Receive Threats

Washington State Sheriffs Refuse to Enforce Gun Control, Receive Threats

More than half of Washington state sheriffs are openly refusing to enforce the state’s new gun control measures unless they are ruled on by the courts.

Democrats Propose Nationwide 10+ Round Magazine Ban

Democrats Propose Nationwide 10+ Round Magazine Ban

Democrats in the U.S. Congress have re-introduced legislation that would ban Americans from importing, selling, manufacturing, transferring, or possessing all magazines capable of holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition.

House Democrats Refuse to Allow Steve Scalise to Testify at 'Gun Violence' Hearing

House Democrats Refuse to Allow Steve Scalise to Testify at ‘Gun Violence’ Hearing

U.S. House Democrats on Wednesday barred Republican Rep. Steve Scalise from testifying at a hearing meant to address “gun violence” in the United States. As a victim of gun-related crime and the Republican House Whip, Scalise would normally have been allowed to testify at a congressional hearing so pertinent to his expertise and life experience. Instead, House Democrats denied his request to speak, claiming that too many members of Congress had already requested to speak.