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CNN's Don Lemon Bashes Protesters w/ Guns: ‘Who the hell do you think you are?’

CNN’s Don Lemon Bashes Protesters w/ Guns: ‘Who the hell do you think you are?’

“Who the hell do you think you are?” Lemon continued. “What is wrong with people? I don’t understand.”

Actress Alyssa Milano: ‘Stop the coronavirus gun surge’

Actress Alyssa Milano: ‘Stop the coronavirus gun surge’

“I know that we are all scared and really stressed out during these uncertain times,” Milano continued. “But that’s exactly why stockpiling weapons could have dire consequences for our own personal safety and those around us.”

LA Times: These Gun Laws Would Have Stopped All But One Mass Shooting Over the Last Five Years

LA Times: These Gun Laws Would Have Stopped All But One Mass Shooting Over the Last Five Years

This isn’t even a question worth asking because we’ll never know the answer. It’s a counterfactual.

Gun Control Is A Solution to Non-Existent Problem Says Utah Gun-Rights Advocate

Gun Control Is A Solution to Non-Existent Problem Says Utah Gun-Rights Advocate

A Utah gun-rights advocate said that recent efforts to enact gun control in the Beehive State is a solution to a problem that doesn’t exist.

Florida Referendum to Ban Semi-Autos Fails with 19% of Needed Signatures

Florida Referendum to Ban Semi-Autos Fails with 19% of Needed Signatures

The Florida referendum to ban common rifles and shotguns as “assault weapons” has failed to gather enough signatures to appear on the 2020 ballot.

CCRKBA Supports President's New School Safety Initiative

CCRKBA Supports President’s New School Safety Initiative

“We think this is a step in the right direction,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb, “because it focuses on actual school security without proposing restrictions on law-abiding firearms owners that would not improve school safety, nor would they have prevented the tragedy in Parkland.

Bloomberg’s $10M Super Bowl Ad Focuses on Top Priority: Gun Control

Bloomberg’s $10M Super Bowl Ad Focuses on Top Priority: Gun Control

In an effort to gain more traction nationally, the billionaire businessman is running a 60-second Super Bowl ad that focuses on one of his top priorities, if not the top priority: gun control.

Korwin: Why Do You Support Background Checks?  Questions the Kids Haven't Had to Answer...

Korwin: Why Do You Support Background Checks? Questions the Kids Haven’t Had to Answer…

No, it’s not. Read what retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens was granted space in The New York Times to say. Repeal the Second Amendment. Did democrats and the left attack him for this? No, they cheered. They paid for space to say it.

YouTube Quashed Live Streams of Virginia Gun Rights Rally

YouTube Quashed Live Streams of Virginia Gun Rights Rally

YouTube is defending pulling live streamed footage of the Virginia gun rights rally saying it’s in-line with their policies.

U.S. Conference Of Mayors Asks Congress to Pass New Gun Control Laws

U.S. Conference Of Mayors Asks Congress to Pass New Gun Control Laws

Mayor Whaley and others are pushing to increase regulations regarding “ghost guns,” or guns made at home from parts and kits.