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Biden, Pelosi Renew Call for Gun Control

Biden, Pelosi Renew Call for Gun Control

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and former Vice President Joe Biden renewed the call for tougher gun laws last Friday on the 4th anniversary of the Pulse Nightclub attack in Orlando, Florida.

Florida Sheriff’s Advice on Dealing With Invaders: Blow Them Back Out of The House w/ Guns

Florida Sheriff’s Advice on Dealing With Invaders: Blow Them Back Out of The House w/ Guns

Last week a Florida sheriff issued a stern warning to looters, vandals, and rioters looking to prey upon residents in Polk County.

SCOTUS Asks San Jose for Response to SAF's Rodriguez Gun Rights Case

SAF Launches Gun Rights Equality Project

The Second Amendment Foundation is asking, “If you or anyone you know has been denied a permit to purchase or carry a firearm, please notify us immediately.”

Group Pushing for Florida 'Assault Weapons' Ban Hits 100,000 Signatures, Headed for State Supreme Court

Florida Supreme Court Throws Out ‘Assault Weapon’ Ban Ballot Initiative

The Florida Supreme Court has thrown out a ballot initiative that would have enshrined in the state constitution a ban on some kinds of semi-automatic firearms.

Atlanta Gun Store Robbed During Protests, Police Called But Couldn't Get There In Time

Atlanta Gun Store Robbed During Protests, Police Called But Couldn’t Get There In Time

“They were here to take advantage of the opportunity of police not being able to be dispatched and address the normal crime,” explained Hinsdale.

Biden: Police Should 'Shoot' Knife-Wielding Attackers ‘In the Leg,' Not the 'Heart'

Biden: Police Should ‘Shoot’ Knife-Wielding Attackers ‘In the Leg,’ Not the ‘Heart’

“Instead of standing there and teaching a cop when there’s an unarmed person coming at ’em with a knife or something to shoot ’em in the leg instead of the heart is a very different thing,” explained Biden.

Alleged 18-Yr-Old Gun Thief Arrested After Stealing 30 Firearms

Alleged 18-Yr-Old Gun Thief Arrested After Stealing 30 Firearms

Esteban Allan Aguilar (left) in now in police custody. (Photo: Temple Police Dept.) A Texas teen was arrested last Friday after being accused of stealing as many as 30 firearms from a gun range in Temple. The suspect, identified as 18-year-old Esteban Allan Aguilar, will now face charges for burglary of a building, evading arrest, [...]


States Can Deny Carry Rights of Non-Residents, Says Legal Scholar

Can a state deny residents of other states the right to carry concealed firearms within its borders? According to one legal scholar, the answer is yes.

Draconian I-1639 Ballot Measure Passes in Washington

SAF Scores Big Win: Massachusetts Gun Shops to Reopen

Judge Woodlock said, “There’s no justification here” for mandating the closure of gun shops. He specified that gun shops will be free to open at Noon Saturday, May 9.

JPFO: Communist Chinese Stole Your Social Security Number... Gun Info, Next?

JPFO: Communist Chinese Stole Your Social Security Number… Gun Info, Next?

JPFO Warns: You should use this loss of Social Security and personal data secrecy to insist that no gun registry is safe from communist dictators’ hands.