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Kamala Harris on Guns (Biden's Pick for Vice President!)

Kamala Harris on Guns (Biden’s Pick for Vice President!)

Joe Biden has picked Kamala Harris as 2020 running mate.

Olympic Shooters Ignored, 'Stigmatized' Despite Winning More Golds than Wrestlers, Divers, Gymnasts

SAF Joins Amicus Brief Challenging California Ammo Check

“California has some of the strictest, and over-bearing, draconian gun control laws in the nation,” said SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb.

NSSF: Firearm Industry Focusing Efforts on Safety Through Pandemic

Virginia Handgun Purchasing Limit Confuses, Leading to 1,100 Denials

New anti-gun laws in Virginia are already having an effect on would-be gun buyers with the recently enacted “one handgun per month” law. Over 1,100 people were denied gun transfers in the month of July.

North Carolina Sheriff Sued Over Delayed Pistol Permit Applications

North Carolina Sheriff Sued Over Delayed Pistol Permit Applications

If you’re looking for an example of how pistol permitting schemes can be manipulated to indefinitely suspend Second Amendment rights, look no further than Wake County, North Carolina.

Virginians Need to Rally to Stop Local Gun Bans!

Virginians Need to Rally to Stop Local Gun Bans!

Our friends over at the Virginia Citizens Defense League have launched a new campaign to defeat recently enacted gun control in the Commonwealth.

SAF, ISRA File Federal Lawsuit Demanding State Police Stop FOID Card Delay

SAF, ISRA File Federal Lawsuit Demanding State Police Stop FOID Card Delay

The Second Amendment Foundation and Illinois State Rifle Association today filed a lawsuit in federal court seeking to force the Illinois State Police (ISP) to comply with the mandated 30-day requirement to issue a Firearm Owner’s Identification (FOID) Card if the applicant meets all qualifications.

Hawaii Senate Expands Gun Registration Requirements

Hawaii Senate Expands Gun Registration Requirements

(Photo: Hawaii Senate/Facebook) This week the Hawaii Senate passed a bill that requires gun owners to notify the government when their firearms leave the state for good.  Per the legislative summary of SB 3054:  Requires every person who permanently moves firearms out of the State to contact the county police department where the firearms are [...]

New Gun Control Laws Take Effect in Virginia

New Gun Control Laws Take Effect in Virginia

Gun-control legislation signed into law last April by Gov. Ralph Northam rolled out this week in Virginia.

House Committee Advances Three Anti-Gun Bills, Including Comprehensive Mag Ban

Colorado Supreme Court Declares Mag Ban Constitutional Under State Law

Colorado’s ban on the sale or transfer of magazines that hold more than 15 rounds of ammo is constitutional, the state Supreme Court ruled on Monday.

New Legislation Would Keep Fed from Collecting Info on Gun Owners

New Legislation Would Keep Fed from Collecting Info on Gun Owners

U.S. Sen. Kelly Loeffler introduced legislation this week that would further protect the privacy rights of gun owners.