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More Confusing Info on Legality of Pistol Braces from ATF

More Confusing Info on Legality of Pistol Braces from ATF

According to the letter, a wide range of pistol braces have not been certified by the ATF, meaning they are stocks.

Finally an Adjustable Bump Stock! - $299 SlideFire SSAR-15 MOD - Machinegun Speeds - Full Review

Are Bump Stocks Still Alive? Feds Drop Charges Because They Couldn’t Prove Devices are Machine Guns

A bump stock case in Houston is making waves in the pro-gun community after federal prosecutors dropped bump stock-related charges against a man because “the government couldn’t prove beyond a reasonable doubt the bump stock was a machine gun,” according to the Houston Chronicle.

Pro-2A Militias Are ‘Treasonous’

Pro-2A Militias Are ‘Treasonous’

Forming militias to defend 2A rights may not only be unlawful, but downright treasonous according to one historian and legal analyst.

Pro-Gun Colorado Contender Cinches Lead in Congressional Race

Pro-Gun Colorado Contender Cinches Lead in Congressional Race

Boebert owns the Shooters Grill, a restaurant in Rifle, Colorado, that welcomes patrons who open-carry.

Kimber Closing New York Headquarters, Expanding in Alabama

Kimber Closing New York Headquarters, Expanding in Alabama

Kimber Manufacturing’s soon-to-be former headquarters in Yonkers will move to Troy, Alabama, where they’re hiring more people.

Project Veritas Exposes Democrat Mark Kelly's True Agenda on Guns

Project Veritas Exposes Democrat Mark Kelly’s True Agenda on Guns

“I am a supporter of the Second Amendment, I am a gun owner. Our rights and traditions are so important,” said Kelly.

ATF Declares the Q Honey Badger Pistol an SBR, the Industry Responds in Force

ATF Declares the Q Honey Badger Pistol an SBR, the Industry Responds in Force

ATF recently reclassified the Honey Badger Pistol as a short-barreled rifle, or SBR, and issued a cease and desist to Q, the company that makes it.

Arizona Ammo Company Facing $80 Million Order Backlog

Arizona Ammo Company Facing $80 Million Order Backlog

Well, one Scottsdale-based manufacturer told a local news affiliate that it now faces an $80.1 million order backlog.

Everytown on Ginsburg’s Replacement: ‘Everything is at Stake…’

Everytown on Ginsburg’s Replacement: ‘Everything is at Stake…’

(Photo: Everytown For Gun Safety/Facebook) Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is dead.  May she rest in peace.  President Trump has signaled to Republican lawmakers that the party should move to fill her seat on the high court “without delay.” “We were put in this position of power and importance to make decisions for the people who [...]

PolitiFact Busts Joe Biden For False 2A Claim

JPFO: Biden Plans ‘Psych’ Test for Gun Ownership

His talk about AR-15 confiscation is overruled by new “character, suitability and ‘any other’ ” requirements for gun ownership; Second Amendment would be optional.