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Biden's Nominee for ATF Director, David Chipman, Insults Gun Owners

Biden’s Nominee for ATF Director, David Chipman, Insults Gun Owners

Letting Chipman run the ATF would be putting the proverbial fox in charge of the hen house.

Know Your Rights: If You Disclose You Are Carrying Do You Consent to be Searched?

GOA, SAF Submit Amicus Briefs on Key Supreme Court Case

Two of the nation’s top gun-rights organizations filed amicus briefs this week with the U.S. Supreme Court.

Chicago PD Forms ‘Gun Investigations Team’ to Combat Violence, Meanwhile More Inmates Were Released this Year

Chicago PD Forms ‘Gun Investigations Team’ to Combat Violence, Meanwhile More Inmates Were Released this Year

Police Superintendent David Brown announces the formation of the GIT: Gun Investigations Team. (Photo: Facebook) Desperate to staunch the bloodshed on the streets of the Windy City, the Chicago Police Dept. announced on Monday the formation of a new task force that it hopes will interrupt the “illegal flow of guns into the city.”  Called [...]

John Lott on the Causes Behind the Spike in Homicides

John Lott on the Causes Behind the Spike in Homicides

Dr. John Lott, president of the Crime Prevention Research Center, got to weigh in on that question and more during a recent interview with C-SPAN’s Washington Journal.

California Fire Captain Speaks Out: 'The ATF Can Get a Warrant and Come to Your House'

California Fire Captain Speaks Out: ‘The ATF Can Get a Warrant and Come to Your House’

Derik Oakes was charged with multiple felonies after the ATF raided his house, and he has a warning for gun owners: you could be next.

Fact Checkers Call Out President Biden for ‘False’ Statement on 2A

Fact Checkers Call Out President Biden for ‘False’ Statement on 2A

Mainstream media fact-checkers called out Biden last week for making false claims about the Second Amendment.

Miami Police Chief Calls for More Federal Gun Control in Wake of Mass Murders in His City

Miami Police Chief Calls for More Federal Gun Control in Wake of Mass Murders in His City

“It’s just an indication of the problem we have with the scourge of gun violence in this country that we need to do much more at a federal level to stop,” Art Acevedo, chief of the Miami Police Department, told CBS’ Face the Nation.

Stryk Pay Joining the Ranks of Pro-Gun Financial Services

Stryk Pay Joining the Ranks of Pro-Gun Financial Services

A new firm Stryk Pay, part of the Stryk Group USA, is one of the latest names to join the growing ranks of pro-gun banking companies popping up in today’s heated marketplace.

Idaho Joins Growing List of Second Amendment Sanctuary States Following Biden’s Gun Orders

Idaho Joins Growing List of Second Amendment Sanctuary States Following Biden’s Gun Orders

Idaho has joined a growing list of states that have become “Second Amendment sanctuaries” in response to President Joe Biden’s gun control push.

Rob Pincus on Winning Hearts, Minds: ‘Don’t Lead with Politics, Lead with Personal Safety’

Useful Idiot? Firearms Trainer Rob Pincus Endorses Expanded Background Checks

Again, I’m sure I’m not telling Pincus stuff he doesn’t already know. Pincus has been a pro-2A advocate for decades. All of this is common knowledge to dyed-in-the-wool gun guys.