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Norway Bow-And-Arrow Attack Sparks Gun Control Debate

Norway Bow-And-Arrow Attack Sparks Gun Control Debate

Folks are debating gun control on social media this week in the wake of a mass killing in Kongsberg, Norway that left four women and one man dead. The suspect used a bow and arrows to perpetrate the attack, giving credence to the pro-2A argument that guns don’t kill people, people kill people.   In [...]

CCRKBA: 'FBI Report Says Armed Citizens Killed More Criminals Than Police'

CCRKBA: ‘FBI Report Says Armed Citizens Killed More Criminals Than Police’

“Last year, according to the data, armed citizens killed 343 criminals during the commission of a felony while police fatally shot 298 felons.

Biden Administration Asks the U.S. Supreme Court to Judicially Nullify the Right to Bear Arms

Biden Administration Asks the U.S. Supreme Court to Judicially Nullify the Right to Bear Arms

The law effectively nullifies for most New Yorkers what the Supreme Court has already characterized as “the individual right to possess and carry weapons in case of confrontation.”

4th Circuit Throws Out Case Overturning Ban on Selling Handguns to Adults Under 21

4th Circuit Throws Out Case Overturning Ban on Selling Handguns to Adults Under 21

“The court reversed itself not because of the merit of the suit or that it was wrongly decided,” said Alan Gottlieb, founder of the Second Amendment Foundation, in an email to GunsAmerica. “They remanded it back to the lower court because the plaintiffs turned 21 and are no longer between the ages of 18 to 20 making the suit moot.”

Elderly Ohio Woman Fatally Shoots Suspect Attacking Her Husband

Elderly Ohio Woman Fatally Shoots Suspect Attacking Her Husband

The intruder, identified as 21-year-old Keyarra Tompkins, was killed after fighting with the homeowner’s 72-year old husband.

Everytown on Ginsburg’s Replacement: ‘Everything is at Stake…’

Everytown Files Amicus Brief for SCOTUS Case, Supports Restrictive CCW Standard

Everytown for Gun Safety, this week, filed an amicus brief (see below) in support of New York’s controversial “may-issue” permitting system.

Salon Op-Ed: America Has Too Many ‘Neils’ - White Guys in A Near Constant State of Fear

Salon Op-Ed: America Has Too Many ‘Neils’ – White Guys in A Near Constant State of Fear

“The fact is, there are a lot of Neils in America — white guys in a near-constant state of fear about their personal safety,” Hayden continued. 

City Would Require Gun Owners to Show Permits to LEOs 

City Would Require Gun Owners to Show Permits to LEOs 

Should citizens be compelled to show their gun licenses to law enforcement?   

Dick Heller Takes on D.C. Again Over Gun Manufacturing Ban

Dick Heller Takes on D.C. Again Over Gun Manufacturing Ban

Dick Heller, the lead plaintiff in the famous pro-gun Supreme Court case D.C. v. Heller, is returning to court to take on the anti-gun regime of the nation’s capital. This time, Heller is suing the district over its ban on private firearm manufacturing.

Trump: Federal Bump Stock Ban Is Almost Finalized

NRA Files Amicus Brief Urging SCOTUS to Reverse Trumpstock Fiasco 

Trump was wrong on bump stocks.  He wasn’t “playing 3D chess,” as some of his most ardent supporters in the gun community alleged. Can we all admit that now?