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President Biden at the Everytown annual gun safety summit.

Biden: ‘Ban Assault Weapons, I mean It!’

“It’s time once again to do what I did when I was a Senator: ban assault weapons! I mean it. Who in God’s name needs a magazine which can hold 200 shells? Nobody. That’s right.”

Gov. Jeff Landry at the signing of the FIND Act.

NSSF Praises Louisiana Gov. Landry for Signing Find Act

Louisianans will choose to do business with those companies that do not discriminate based on an industry these corporate banks may not like or with which they disagree.

Biden Signs Bipartisan 'Safer Communities Act' with Help from These 15 GOP Senators

CCRKBA: Bidens Should Pay Like Former NRA CEO for Personal Travel

“That’s a lot of back-and-forth, much of it on personal travel, so why is the DNC paying any part of it,” Gottlieb questioned.

Two side-by-side photos of Mark Hamill, the actor who played Luke Skywalker.

Noir: Luke Skywalker Attacks 2A Rights

So now Luke Skywalker decided to jump into the gun debate with a horrible take posting on Twitter/X:

William Kirk holding up an amicus brief.

The Most Important 2A Battle Right Now!

The US Court of Appeals has revived a lawsuit, Mexico v. Smith & Wesson, which had previously been dismissed by the trial court.

A strung out Hunter Biden in a bathtub.

Why Hunter Biden Shouldn’t Be Convicted… 

What are your thoughts?  Do you believe Hunter should be convicted?  Or do you believe IraqVeteran8888 has a point? 

A thumbnail of the Big Changes Coming for Guns on Youtube.

YouTube to Censor Pro-2A Content

“In turn, as younger generations come of age, they will not question or push back on further violations of our Second Amendment rights,” he added.

A a map of murders in D.C.

NY Times Creates Tool to Decide If You Need Self-Defense Gun

Becoming a law-abiding gun owner might let the community – and The New York Times – know that those who obey the law and own guns aren’t the problem. It’s the criminals.

Police officers at the scene of the attack in NYC.

CCRKBA: Brutal Times Square Attacks Prove Anti-Gunners Are Clueless

Gottlieb questioned how the suspects could be walking around in the Times Square with a machete and not be noticed by police.

A quote from Justice Sotomayor.

NRA Triumphs in Supreme Court!

These include claims that Vullo, under former Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s direction, infringed on the NRA’s First Amendment rights by urging financial institutions to sever ties with the NRA in 2018.