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Disarm Hate Act Introduced: Would Permanently Revoke 2A Rights for Misdemeanor Hate Crimes

Disarm Hate Act Reintroduced: Would Permanently Revoke 2A Rights for Misdemeanor Hate Crimes

Congressional lawmakers reintroduced the “Disarm Hate Act” this week. If passed, it would permanently revoke 2A rights for anyone convicted of a misdemeanor hate crime.

President Biden

Congressional Gun Control Activists Still Wishing for A Presidential Miracle

Wish they may, wish they might – gun control Democrats in Congress are still holding out hope President Joe Biden will deliver their biggest wish. What they shouldn’t hold is their breath.

Why Doesn’t the Federal Gov’t Want Us to Know How Often Armed Civilian Responders Stop Active Shooters?

“When the Bureau gets it so systematically – and persistently – wrong, the cascading effect is incredibly deleterious,” he continued. “The FBI exerts considerable influence over state and local law enforcement and policymakers at all levels of government.”

Gun Rights Group Criticizes Anti-2A Lobby for Overlooking Armed Citizen Incidents

The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) slammed the gun prohibition lobby this week for ignoring armed self-defense incidents.

NRA-ILA: Biden Goes All-In On Calls for Extreme Gun Control

Urgent Action Needed! Comment Period Open on Biden’s Illegal Background Check Rulemaking

Your help is urgently needed. ATF’s official comment period on the rule, “Definition of ‘Engaged in the Business’ as a Dealer in Firearms,” started on September 8.

Holstered pistol.

GOA, GOF Secure TRO Against New Mexico Carry Ban

GOA and GOF promptly sued over the weekend, opposing the Governor’s decision. Five pro-gun groups in total argued in court for the TRO.

CCRKBA: Albuquerque Pro-2A Protesters Harmed Nobody, Burned Nothing

“Justifiably angry New Mexico gun owners who showed up at the protest didn’t hurt anyone, didn’t burn anything, did not clash with police and nobody was arrested or even cited,” noted CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb.

Top Gun-Control Organizations Endorse Porn Performer Susanna Gibson in Virginia Race 

“I need, like, more tokens before I let him do that,” she responds to a request from a viewer. “One token, no. More. Raising money for a good cause.”

David Hogg Defends Gun Rights?!?

SAF founder Alan M. Gottlieb stated that Gov. Grisham lacks authority to suspend the Second Amendment even during alleged emergencies.

GOA Sues New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham Over Albuquerque Firearm Ban

“I have emergency powers,” Grisham told The New York Times. “Gun violence is an epidemic. Therefore, it’s an emergency.”