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The Best Silencer Deregulatory Bill Ever! The SHUSH Act Introduced!

The Best Silencer Deregulatory Bill Ever! The SHUSH Act Introduced!

“Suppressors can make shooting safer for the millions of hunters and sportsmen that exercise their constitutional right to use firearms every year,” Sen. Lee said in a press release.

Florida 'Stand Your Ground' Provision Deemed Unconstitutional

Florida ‘Stand Your Ground’ Provision Deemed Unconstitutional

A Florida judge has ruled that a new provision in the state’s “stand your ground” law is unconstitutional because the legislature overstepped its rightful authority when it increased protections for defendants in self-defense cases.

Eric Holder for President in 2020?

Eric Holder for President in 2020?

“Now is the time to be more visible,” said Holder. “Now is the time to be heard.”

Feds Temporarily Block California Magazine Ban

Feds Temporarily Block California Magazine Ban

U.S. District Judge Roger T. Benitez issued the preliminary injunction until the courts can determine the constitutionality of the magazine ban.

Left Freaking Out Over Dana Loesch's 'Clenched Fist of Truth' Ad

Left Freaking Out Over Dana Loesch’s ‘Clenched Fist of Truth’ Ad

The NRA’s Dana Loesch has the Left freaking out over a video she posted calling on the group’s members to fight back against the “violence of lies with a clenched fist of truth.”

This is the original MP44/StG44 from WWII. It fired a 7.92x39mm., or 8x33 Kurz, round that was a smaller version of the German 8x57, or 8mm Mauser. The Kalashnikov, or AK-47, fires a 7.62x39 cartridge, which is a smaller version of the 7.62x54 Russian. Most people consider the StG44 the original assault rifle from which all others were fashioned, but it arrived too late in WWII to make a difference in the failed Nazi war machine.

Bill Creates Grace Period for Vets to Register Machine Guns

A bill was introduced this week in both the House and Senate to give one the opportunity to register the machine gun or assault rifle grandpa brought back from either WWII or Korea.  

Home Invaders 'Woke the Dragon' When They Attacked 62-YR-Old Marine Vet

Home Invaders ‘Woke the Dragon’ When They Attacked 62-YR-Old Marine Vet

A 62-year-old Marine veteran fought off three home intruders with a handgun last Thursday, injuring all three.

Florida Sheriff: Don’t be a Victim in a Mass Attack, Get a Gun

Florida Sheriff: Don’t be a Victim in a Mass Attack, Get a Gun

“The armed assailant doesn’t plan on you fighting back,” he said. “He plans on having a gun, doing all the shooting, and you’re just the sitting duck. Well, the ducks need to shoot back.”

Wannabe Youtube Star Dies When He Convinces Girlfriend that Book Will Block .50 Cal AE

Wannabe Youtube Star Dies When He Convinces Girlfriend that Book Will Block .50 Cal AE

“Me and Pedro are probably going to shoot one of the most dangerous videos ever. HIS idea not MINE.”

Supreme Court Denies Petition in Second Amendment Peruta Case

Supreme Court Denies Petition in Second Amendment Peruta Case

The U.S. Supreme Court denied a petition for a writ of certiorari for the biggest Second Amendment case in a long time, Peruta v. California.