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Brady Campaign: Five Reasons We’ve Reached ‘Tipping Point’ for Tougher Gun Laws

Brady Campaign Sues ATF to Get Info On Gun Dealers, Leaked ‘White Paper’

Brady Center has sued the ATF for information relating to “bad apple” gun dealers as well as a white paper that made headlines earlier this year.

Dana Loesch Moving from CA Home Over 'Rape You to Death' Threats from Anti-Gunners

Dana Loesch Moving from CA Home Over ‘Rape You to Death’ Threats from Anti-Gunners

Dana Loesch is leaving her California home because she’s tired of death threats coming from anti-gunners.

Georgia Gubernatorial Candidate Holding Bump Stock Giveaway

Georgia Gubernatorial Candidate Holding Bump Stock Giveaway

Georgia State Sen. Michael Williams, who is also running for governor, is holding a bump stock giveaway to push back against anti-gunners.

Federal Court Upholds County Ordinance Banning New Gun Stores

Federal Court Upholds County Ordinance Banning New Gun Stores

The full U.S. 9th Circuit last week upheld an Alameda County, Ca., law barring gun stores within 500 feet of residential properties.

Violators of Massachusetts Bump Stock Ban Could Receive Life in Prison

Violators of Massachusetts Bump Stock Ban Could Receive Life in Prison

“Bump stocks and trigger cranks effectively change the nature of a semi-automatic weapon to make it into a machine gun,” state Senate President Stanley Rosenberg (D-Amherst) said in a statement Thursday.

Public Support for Bump Stock Ban at 79 Percent, Says New Poll

Public Support for Bump Stock Ban at 79 Percent, Says New Poll

A majority of voters support a ban on bump stocks as well as other gun control measures in the wake of the mass killing in Las Vegas, a new poll shows.

YouTube to Censor Gun Conversion, Modification Videos

YouTube to Censor Gun Conversion, Modification Videos

Is this the beginning of the end for gun videos on YouTube?

Australia’s New Buyback Program Yields 51,000 Guns Destined for Destruction

Australia’s New Buyback Program Yields 51,000 Guns Destined for Destruction

Australia’s summer-long National Firearms Amnesty has ended, resulting in 51,000 firearms confiscated and destined for destruction.

Feinstein Admits No Law Would've Stopped Vegas Shooter

Feinstein Admits No Law Would’ve Stopped Vegas Shooter

“No, he passed background checks registering for handguns and other weapons on multiple occasions,” Feinstein replied.

House Majority Whip Steve Scalise: 2A is ‘Unlimited’ Right

House Majority Whip Steve Scalise: 2A is ‘Unlimited’ Right

“Our Founding Fathers believed strongly in gun rights for citizens,” said Scalise.