Clay discusses reasons for malfunctions in his pistol build.
Polymer 80
GunsAmerica Digest > Polymer 80
Polymer 80 Pistol Part 2: The Quest for Reliability
BY Clay Martin Published: November 22, 2020 { 24 comments }Frankengun Rising: A Gucci Polymer 80 Built by Clay
BY Clay Martin Published: November 8, 2020 { 12 comments }This was my first every Polymer 80 build, and I hope it inspires confidence if you have been thinking of trying it out. I am in no way a gunsmith, and arguably not even a decent gun mechanic. I used simple hand tools, that I would wager everyone has laying around. No drill presses or lathes around these parts.
Glock 19-Compatible 80 Percent Frames Incoming
BY Max Slowik Published: January 5, 2017 { 5 comments }Polymer80 is introducing two new 80 percent pistol frames for 2017. These uncompleted receivers are compatible with Glock 19 parts and aftermarket parts.
80% Glock Lower Preorders – Polymer80 – Also 80% Full AR Budget Kit – Shot Show 2016
BY S.H. Blannelberry Published: February 1, 2016 { 63 comments }Polymer 80, a company known for their polymer 80% AR-15 lowers, introduced a new product at SHOT Show this year that shook up the concept of an 80% receiver. Named the “Specter,” this 80% frame embraces the ghost gun idea and brings it into the handgun (Glock) market.