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Korwin: Fake News vs. Phony News - They're NOT the Same Thing!

Korwin: Fake News vs. Phony News – They’re NOT the Same Thing!

Reporters adamantly reject the definition of phony news because, according to critics, they cannot see the truth it contains. In contrast, fake news is a problem everyone recognizes as a problem.

Top Five Tactical Pens

Top Five Tactical Pens

Tactical pens have made it into my other top five lists as additions to everyday carry gear or less-lethal self-defense tools. They are a favorite tool of mine and the one I try to persuade everyone to carry.

Looking Back: The Best Handguns of 2017

Looking Back: The Best Handguns of 2017

With 2017 now in our rearview, I’d like to briefly look back on the “best of times” from 2017. What I consider to be some of the best new handguns brought to market last year.

Top Five Pieces of Cold-Weather Gear

Top Five Pieces of Cold-Weather Gear

In my neck of the woods, we just enjoyed a night where the temperature reached 15 degrees below zero Fahrenheit. This wasn’t with wind chill or the “real feel” or “feels like” temperature. It was the actual temperature.

Korwin: The Effort To Subarm America (Part II)

Korwin: So Why Not Register Guns? Here’s Why Not!

Registering guns and licensing gun owners would be tantamount to registering bibles and licensing churches.  Yet no one is calling for a bible registry.  At least not yet.

DIY Rifle Rods

Maximize Space in Your Gun Safe with these DIY ‘Rifle Rods’

Rifle rods are handy pieces of plastic and Velcro that allow gun owners to store rifles vertically rather than at an angle.

Top Five Handgun Accessories

Top Five Handgun Accessories

As the demand for guns levels off, interest continues in several sub-categories, including accessories for handguns — for form as well as function.

TEC Accessories Pixel Key Light

Top Five Pieces of Everyday Carry Gear to Give Away (and Get) in 2018

If you are equipped with all of these items, it might be worthwhile to consider giving away what you’ve got and then upgrading accordingly. That way, you can introduce a newbie to the nuances of EDC — allowing him or her to use the gear and learn about EDC and so on — and you can get newer gear.

Washington State Was Tricked by Bloomberg! - Arizona Next? - Alan Korwin Interview SHOT 2015

Korwin on Kosher Gun Laws: The Only Gun Control We’ll Ever Need

You know rights come with limits and responsibilities. Your right to swing your arms ends at the tip of my nose, right?

Top Five Deep Cover Carry Options

Top Five Deep Cover Carry Options

Deep cover concealed carry comes with a bit of a conundrum: the deeper you carry your gun, the longer it may take to access it. And as you know, the whole point of concealed carry is to be able not only to access a defensive tool but also to do so very quickly.