Whether you should shoot won’t matter if you can’t operate the tool you carry to save your life.
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Ep. 28 Should I Shoot? Gun-Free Zones, Problems with the 1911
BY S.H. Blannelberry Published: November 7, 2016 Updated: November 7, 2016Green Beret: Vote Trump! He Probably is More Competent than the Generals!
BY Clay Martin Published: November 4, 2016 Updated: November 4, 2016Most of the Generals are fucking morons, and they wouldn’t last 10 minutes in the private sector (if they didn’t have those retired stars on their shoulders to help with lobbying for government contracts).
Ep. 27 Should I Shoot? If You Fail to Train, You May Fail to Fight
BY S.H. Blannelberry Published: November 2, 2016 Updated: November 2, 2016The old adage, “You will fight as you have trained,” is not a cool-guy saying put on the back of t-shirts.
Mag Retention Drills #GunfightScience – Off The Reservation
BY S.H. Blannelberry Published: October 28, 2016 Updated: October 28, 2016Reloading with retention? What exactly does that mean?
LaPierre: Hillary ‘Dreams of Twisting a Knife into the Heart of the 2A’
BY S.H. Blannelberry Published: October 21, 2016 Updated: October 21, 2016“Our economy is on life support. Healthcare is an utter failure. Our schools have never been worse. You can see the despair in every parent’s eyes,” said NRA Exec. Vice President Wayne LaPierre.
Ep. 26 Should I Shoot? Do I Assist An Officer Engaged in a Gunfight?
BY S.H. Blannelberry Published: October 19, 2016 Updated: October 19, 2016If I see police officers who need help, should I get involved? What if I see cops being shot and I’m armed? How should I help?
Ep. 25 Should I Shoot? Take a Deep Breath
BY S.H. Blannelberry Published: October 17, 2016 Updated: October 17, 2016I’m not sure who I stole the following quote from, but I use it quite a bit: “The mind is like a parachute — it only works if it’s open.”
Mike Rowe Delivers Truth Bomb on 2A, Right to Vote
BY S.H. Blannelberry Published: October 12, 2016 Updated: October 12, 2016However, I’m afraid I can’t encourage millions of people whom I’ve never met to just run out and cast a ballot, simply because they have the right to vote. That would be like encouraging everyone to buy an AR-15, simply because they have the right to bear arms.
Ep. 24 Should I Shoot? You Have Legal Justification to Shoot, But Do You Have To?
BY S.H. Blannelberry Published: October 11, 2016 Updated: October 11, 2016Recently, a police officer was fired for not shooting a man who had a gun in his hand and was telling the officer to shoot him.
Clay: Three Ways to Practice One-Handed Reloads
BY S.H. Blannelberry Published: October 11, 2016 Updated: October 11, 2016Clay Martin walks you through three different ways to practice one-handed reloads. Which way is the best method? Well, watch, practice and then decide for yourself.