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Ep. 38 Should I Shoot? Lunch Date Gone Wrong

Ep. 38 Should I Shoot? Lunch Date Gone Wrong

As fast as you might be with your current setup while standing, have you trained with it in a seated position?

Barry Says Goodbye… How Will You Remember the 44th POTUS?

Barry Says Goodbye… How Will You Remember the 44th POTUS?

Barry is on his way out. My question is, how will you remember the 44th president of the United States? What sticks out in your mind when you reflect back on his eight years in the oval office?

Ep. 37 Should I Shoot? The Crazy Man With the Knife

Ep. 37 Should I Shoot? The Crazy Man With the Knife

You’ve personally seen a knife-swinging man who, at least once, lunged in an aggressive fashion toward about 10 other people.

Ep. 36 Should I Shoot? Is that a Pellet Gun in My Face?

Ep. 36 Should I Shoot? Is that a Pellet Gun in My Face?

The “if he’s in my house, he’s dead” crowd might not like to hear it, but if you can avoid having to shoot somebody, for God’s sake, don’t shoot.

Help Your Wife Purchase a Concealed Carry Firearm, Part 2: The Search

Help Your Wife Purchase a Concealed Carry Firearm, Part 2: The Search

Now that you know what features your wife or girlfriend wants in her concealed carry handgun (covered in Part I of this series), you’re ready to help her start looking.

Ep. 35 Should I Shoot? When All You Have Is Your Backup Gun

Ep. 35 Should I Shoot? When All You Have Is Your Backup Gun

Are you prepared to do what’s right mentally and physically (skill wise)? Or are you carrying a full-size pistol and four magazines but haven’t been to the range in a year?

Help Your Wife Purchase a Concealed Carry Firearm, Part 1: The Talk

Help Your Wife Purchase a Concealed Carry Firearm, Part 1: The Talk

More women are purchasing and carrying firearms than ever before, and chances are good your significant other has thought about buying a handgun for self-defense.

Ep. 34 Should I Shoot? 'The Drop'

Ep. 34 Should I Shoot? ‘The Drop’

Almost all defensive training of any kind — armed or unarmed — stresses that, “There’s no room for a fair fight when your life is on the line.”

How Will President-Elect Donald Trump Impact the Gun Industry?

Korwin: Stop the National Carry Permit, ‘Gun Guys’ Pushing in Wrong Direction

The best plan to resolve the travesty of national gun-rights denial Americans have suffered under for generations — worse than racism — is to repeal the restrictions that deny your rights.

Ep. 33 Should I Shoot? The Late Night Prowler

Ep. 33 Should I Shoot? The Late Night Prowler

Most home invaders are usually either silent or dynamic in their entries. They usually either sneak in and have you overwhelmed before waking you or they smash in like a natural gas explosion and overcome the residents with violence of action.