The only reason I sometimes desire to carry a revolver more than an auto-loading pistol is because, in my opinion, revolvers have less that can go wrong when squeezing the trigger and firing.
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Top Five Reasons to Carry a Revolver
BY Administrator Published: June 19, 2017 Updated: June 19, 2017Top Five Every Day Carry Essentials
BY Administrator Published: June 14, 2017 Updated: June 14, 2017Assuming you carry at least a gun and a folding knife — and probably obvious items, such as a mobile phone, a wallet and keys — you might benefit from carrying a few more items with you.
Korwin: Obama Anti-Gun Lawlessness Reversed
BY Alan Korwin Published: May 30, 2017 Updated: May 30, 2017The “news” media, in a typical anti-gun-rights frenzy, has gone off the rails in flat-out deception about a simple move by our new president to reestablish the rule of law.
Five Ways to Improve Situational Awareness
BY Administrator Published: May 24, 2017 Updated: May 24, 2017We all know how important situational awareness is in the overall scheme of personal defense. In fact, the whole point of situational awareness is to avoid trouble if you can.
Journey Into Competitive Shooting Ep. 9: IDPA
BY Becky Yackley Published: May 18, 2017 Updated: May 18, 2017Shooting IDPA can really help new shooters improve basic skills and their preparedness for self-defense situations without overwhelming them with too much information or giving them a task that is out of their wheelhouse.
Get a Better Grip! Here are Five Grip Improvements for Your Pistol
BY Administrator Published: May 9, 2017 Updated: May 9, 2017If you have a gun that meets all your defensive requirements but could use a little help in the feel/fit department, consider these five ways of improving the grip.
Korwin: Where Are Trump’s Taxes? Five Problems with that Question
BY Alan Korwin Published: April 27, 2017 Updated: April 27, 2017The are five problems with reporters’ unyielding request for Trump’s taxes.
Ep. 52 Should I Shoot? Gas Station Showdown
BY Administrator Published: April 25, 2017 Updated: April 25, 2017The man walks up to the counter and hands the clerk a note. The clerk nervously takes the note, reads it and then looks up at the man.
Korwin: Trump WINS on Obamacare (Greatest Head Fake in a Decade)!
BY Alan Korwin Published: April 19, 2017 Updated: April 19, 2017Health insurance isn’t health care. Neither one is in the Constitution. Go look, they’re not.
Ep. 51 Should I Shoot? Is that a Hold Up Behind the Gun Store?
BY S.H. Blannelberry Published: April 17, 2017 Updated: April 17, 2017You could be witnessing a hold-up in broad daylight right behind a gun store. Or it could be something else.