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HuffPost: How Many Guns Do We Need?

HuffPost: How Many Guns Do We Need?

“In 2008, the year Obama won the presidency, there were 12.7 million background checks. In his last full year as president, 2016, there were 27.5 million. How many guns do we need? And, what is this really about?”

First Focal Plane Riflescope vs. Second Focal Plane Riflescope

First Focal Plane Riflescope vs. Second Focal Plane Riflescope

How do you tell if a riflescope is first or second focal plane?

Top Five Ways to Secure Your Gun at the Office

Top Five Ways to Secure Your Gun at the Office

For many of us, carrying a concealed handgun includes carrying while spending significant time in the workplace.

Cartridge Showdown: The 30-'06 — Awesome or Awful?

Cartridge Showdown: The 30-’06 — Awesome or Awful?

Now, there are multitudes of wonderful cartridges out there, and I’ll confess to having a love affair with many of them. But for sheer versatility mixed with get-’er-done authority, my vote still goes to the venerable 30-’06. It doesn’t posses the smashing capabilities of the magnums, but neither does it pack the kick.

9 Critical Concealed Carry Lessons: Ep. 8 Training Program

9 Critical Concealed Carry Lessons: Ep. 8 Training Program

Learning to be competent with a gun isn’t rocket science, but it is going to require some hard work on your part. And there are no shortcuts.

9 Critical Concealed Carry Lessons: Ep. 7 Truck Guns

9 Critical Concealed Carry Lessons: Ep. 7 Truck Guns

A controversial topic to some, this week we are going to talk about the truck gun concept.

Is It too Easy to Steal an AR from a Police Cruiser?

Is It too Easy to Steal an AR from a Police Cruiser?

Let’s say, for a moment, that all the rifles in citizens’ hands disappeared today. What would be the easiest way for some hoodrat to get a “scary rifle,” not only with all the features Feinstein hates but with a giggle switch and a hi-cap mag to boot? I have that answer for you.

Kids and Guns: How New Shooters Can Master Shotguns

Kids and Guns: How New Shooters Can Master Shotguns

I’m here to tell you from experience that not only can kids master shotgun shooting, but they will gain a huge boost in confidence from using a scatter gun!

Top Five Ways to Carry Off-Body

Top Five Ways to Carry Off-Body

I hunted up some off-body carry solutions meeting those criteria. Here are my top five ways to carry off-body, with all kinds of caveats and warnings.

9 Critical Concealed Carry Lessons: Ep. 4 Lights and Lasers!

9 Critical Concealed Carry Lessons: Ep. 4 Lights and Lasers!

For the first time in history, in Special Operations Forces at least, the majority of the killing was done in the dark — with lasers.