old guns

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The S&W 457 – Dedicated Ash Tray Thrower

The S&W 457 is a third generation S&W semi-autoamtic pistol. Typically, S&W 3rd-generation guns have four-digit model numbers, and second-generation guns have three-digit model numbers.

Marlin 444 Trapper – The Gun That Never Was

Assembled and complete, I now have a rifle that never was but should have been.

Classic Carry Guns - Give Used Guns a Shot

Classic Carry Guns – Give Used Guns a Shot

Used guns are a great way to shop for a bargain-priced self-defense pistol. As we accept more modern guns with modern features, like rails, optics, and ambidextrous controls, we can find guns that lack those features for a relatively fair price.

IMI Timber Wolf – Pump Action 357 or 44 Mag

IMI Timber Wolf – Pump Action 357 or 44 Mag

It’s 1991, you are searching for a new rifle and you see the Timber Wolf carbine. It’s the coolest rifle you never heard of.

Clay’s Garage Sale Guns #1- Carcano Paratrooper?

Clay’s Garage Sale Guns #1- Carcano Paratrooper?

Have you ever made an impulse purchase that was way out of your wheelhouse, but it looked like such a good deal you had to go for it? Me neither. Okay, that isn’t actually true. But just because I make a serious, serious mistake doesn’t mean I don’t write about it on the internet. So that others may learn. Or have a good laugh. Or maybe both this time.