Making legal arms illegal is infringement.
GunsAmerica Digest > Korwin
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KORWIN: American Protection of Arms Declaration
BY Alan Korwin Published: September 26, 2016 Updated: September 26, 2016Infamous No-Fly No-Buy Gun Bill, HR 2578: ‘Blatant Rape of the Constitution’
BY Alan Korwin Published: June 24, 2016 Updated: June 24, 2016Has anyone even read the bill that had democrats staging a sit-in on the floor of Congress?
KORWIN: The Home-Arsenal Myth (The Most Dangerous Myth of All)
BY Alan Korwin Published: June 13, 2016 Updated: June 13, 2016Progressive gun proposals are not just myths, they are irrational psychologically reversed projections of their fears, virtually immune to reason.
KORWIN: The Police-Would-Never-Confiscate-Guns Myth
BY Alan Korwin Published: June 6, 2016 Updated: June 6, 2016Sorry folks, it don’t work that way. Despite the bluster, when New York State decides you can only have a seven-round magazine, every other magazine you own becomes contraband…
KORWIN: The Guns-Are-Dangerous Myth
BY Alan Korwin Published: June 1, 2016 Updated: June 1, 2016You’re an adult, or at least you’re supposed to be, and act like one, as a functioning member of civil society.