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Desert Deer: A Week of Adventure

Desert Deer: A Week of Adventure

Coues deer make their home in the Southwest and provide a unique opportunity for serious deer hunters who are willing to spend hours behind their optics and brave vegetation that pokes, cuts, or stings, warm temperatures, and ghost-like deer habits under the semblance of fun.

Destination Hunting In COVID Times

Destination Hunting In COVID Times

The desire to adventure while exploring new terrain and hunt big game species can be satisfied with embarking upon a destination hunt. And, there are many adventures to be had even during times of COVID.

More Places to Hunt Waterfowl

More Places to Hunt Waterfowl

I love to gain opportunities to duck hunt. Accessing public lands is where it starts, but like most, more places to hunt are better.

Hunting in Our Current Situation: Bullets/Calibers and Options for Preserving Your Ammo

Hunting in Our Current Situation: Bullets/Calibers and Options for Preserving Your Ammo

Given all of the things going on in our country sociologically, politically, as well as supply and demand wise, it could be very tough for those of us that live for the chase, and especially those that chase all year long.

Take the Shot? A Marauding Baboon Offers a Cross-Canyon Shot Opportunity - Presented by Springfield Armory

Take the Shot? A Marauding Baboon Offers a Cross-Canyon Shot Opportunity – Presented by Springfield Armory

South Africa’s Eastern Cape is beautiful, scenic, and teeming with game. The baboons would hole up in mid-level ribbon cliffs during the day, and descend to rob feed from lambing pens by night. A marauding baboon offers a lucky cross-canyon shot opportunity. Do you take the shot?

Texas Hog Eradication with the Pulsar Thermion XQ50

Texas Hog Eradication with the Pulsar Thermion XQ50

If you’re thermal-curious and have the budget, go buy one of these. If you’re a veteran night hunter looking to upgrade your set-up to something more streamlined? Believe the hype. The Pulsar Thermion delivers.

A Coyote’s Worst Nightmare: CMMG's Endeavor 300 Mk4 in 22 Nosler

A Coyote’s Worst Nightmare: CMMG’s Endeavor 300 Mk4 in 22 Nosler

I have enjoyed testing and hunting with CMMG rifles so I didn’t hesitate when offered a chance to test a newer gun in a newer cartridge specialized for long-distance hunting.

Dove for a Lifetime: Argentina Bucket List Hunt

Dove for a Lifetime: Argentina Bucket List Hunt

Like many others, I have heard for years about the droves of roosting doves in Argentina and groups shooting thousands of birds a day. To a guy who has sat for hours in an Alabama dove field waiting for enough dove to fill a 15 bird limit, this seems unfathomable – the stuff of legends, hunting folklore if you will.

CZ-USA's Upland Ultralight All-Terrain (20 ga OU)

CZ-USA’s Upland Ultralight All-Terrain (20 ga OU)

One of the updated models is the Upland Ultralight All-Terrain, which I’ve been using in 20 gauge. It’s lightweight, it’s beautifully constructed, and it comes up on-target every time game flushes. Read on for a close look at all the features as well as a few things that could be better.

Suspect in Tennessee Hunter Murders Found Dead

Suspect in Tennessee Hunter Murders Found Dead

Investigators of the double homicide of hunters Chance Black and Zachary Grooms found the body of suspect David Vowell Friday.