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Danner Thorofare Boot Review

Danner Thorofare Boot Review

You wouldn’t buy a sports car then outfit it with discount tires, the same should go for your feet; footwear is literally where the rubber meets the rocks. Enter the Danner Thorofare.



Now, a dead turkey is a dead turkey, and no kind of shotshell can make a turkey even deader. What they can do, though, is kill them faster, and from a greater distance.

The Worst April Fools Joke Ever

The Worst April Fools Joke Ever

I froze in place and looked right at the fiercest predator in North America and I was sure he was looking straight at me. His yellow eyes were wide and sharp and his ears were forward. I didn’t breathe.

Review: Flambeau King Strutter Decoy

Review: Flambeau King Strutter Decoy

Decoys can be extremely useful but do depend on a number of factors such as the game or predator you’re after, the season, and the quality of said decoy. All that said, if you’re in the market for a high-quality turkey decoy there is one I’ve had repeated success with: the Flambeau King Strutter.

Eastern Turkey Hunt

Eastern Turkey Hunt

I had an opportunity to go back East this spring and chase the larger and more popular Eastern Turkey. I found myself on an Indiana family farm in late April. The Indiana turkey season opens up much later than most midwestern states.

Rock River Arms - BOLT ACTION! - SHOT Show 2020

Rock River Arms – BOLT ACTION! – SHOT Show 2020

For the first time in its storied history, Rock River Arms has tossed its hat into the bolt-gun arena, and all signs point a winner.

Next Year Can Be Better!

Next Year Can Be Better!

The better physical shape you’re in, the more enjoyable and successful your 2020 season will be. Since dedicating my life to fitness and making a serious lifestyle change four years ago, my success rates have soared.

Texas Fall/Winter Dove Hunting Can Be Very Good, Even If You Are a Lousy Dove Hunter!

Texas Fall/Winter Dove Hunting Can Be Very Good, Even If You Are a Lousy Dove Hunter!

Next time I am in Texas for a fall or winter deer or hog hunt? I’m bringing along my Remington 870 20-gauge. Grilled Dove Poppers are excellent!

Earn A Doe, Miss On A Buck:  Deer Hunting Nebraska’s Platte River Unit

Earn A Doe, Miss On A Buck: Deer Hunting Nebraska’s Platte River Unit

2:52 PM, a couple miles west of Brady, Nebraska, and I less than three hours away from a hearty serving of Tag Soup. I was on Day Five of a November 2018 deer hunt in Nebraska’s Lincoln County, and though I’d put in many hours I hadn’t seen a buck of any size—antlers or body.

New Federal .284/7mm 155 Grain Edge TLR Bullet Review

New Federal .284/7mm 155 Grain Edge TLR Bullet Review

Bullet design and performance is a favored (and occasionally heated) discussion wherever hunters gather. Debates rage, stories are told, and facts presented. Which brings us to the question: What is good bullet performance?