You wouldn’t buy a sports car then outfit it with discount tires, the same should go for your feet; footwear is literally where the rubber meets the rocks. Enter the Danner Thorofare.
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BY Aram Von Benedikt Published: June 1, 2020 Updated: August 31, 2024Now, a dead turkey is a dead turkey, and no kind of shotshell can make a turkey even deader. What they can do, though, is kill them faster, and from a greater distance.
The Worst April Fools Joke Ever
BY Levi Sim Published: May 4, 2020 Updated: August 3, 2024I froze in place and looked right at the fiercest predator in North America and I was sure he was looking straight at me. His yellow eyes were wide and sharp and his ears were forward. I didn’t breathe.
Review: Flambeau King Strutter Decoy
BY Kat Ainsworth Published: April 6, 2020 Updated: August 3, 2024Decoys can be extremely useful but do depend on a number of factors such as the game or predator you’re after, the season, and the quality of said decoy. All that said, if you’re in the market for a high-quality turkey decoy there is one I’ve had repeated success with: the Flambeau King Strutter.
Eastern Turkey Hunt
BY Jake Wallace Published: March 1, 2020 Updated: August 3, 2024I had an opportunity to go back East this spring and chase the larger and more popular Eastern Turkey. I found myself on an Indiana family farm in late April. The Indiana turkey season opens up much later than most midwestern states.
Rock River Arms – BOLT ACTION! – SHOT Show 2020
BY Jace Bauserman Published: February 10, 2020 Updated: August 3, 2024For the first time in its storied history, Rock River Arms has tossed its hat into the bolt-gun arena, and all signs point a winner.
Next Year Can Be Better!
BY Jace Bauserman Published: January 6, 2020 Updated: August 3, 2024The better physical shape you’re in, the more enjoyable and successful your 2020 season will be. Since dedicating my life to fitness and making a serious lifestyle change four years ago, my success rates have soared.
Texas Fall/Winter Dove Hunting Can Be Very Good, Even If You Are a Lousy Dove Hunter!
BY Brian McCombie Published: December 1, 2019 Updated: August 3, 2024Next time I am in Texas for a fall or winter deer or hog hunt? I’m bringing along my Remington 870 20-gauge. Grilled Dove Poppers are excellent!
Earn A Doe, Miss On A Buck: Deer Hunting Nebraska’s Platte River Unit
BY Brian McCombie Published: November 3, 2019 Updated: August 3, 20242:52 PM, a couple miles west of Brady, Nebraska, and I less than three hours away from a hearty serving of Tag Soup. I was on Day Five of a November 2018 deer hunt in Nebraska’s Lincoln County, and though I’d put in many hours I hadn’t seen a buck of any size—antlers or body.
New Federal .284/7mm 155 Grain Edge TLR Bullet Review
BY Aram Von Benedikt Published: September 29, 2019 Updated: August 31, 2024Bullet design and performance is a favored (and occasionally heated) discussion wherever hunters gather. Debates rage, stories are told, and facts presented. Which brings us to the question: What is good bullet performance?