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Drugs, Guns, and Money

Drugs, Guns, and Money

In a world where vacuous ill-informed talking heads chatter like chimps about assault rifles, weapons of mass destruction, and sundry other gun-related topics they clearly fail to understand, the gory machinegun murders of German Jimenez Panesso and his associate Juan Carlos Hernandez were actually the real deal.

Squeaky Fromme and Her 1911 Pistol: A Whole Lot of Crazy in One Tiny Package

Squeaky Fromme and Her 1911 Pistol: A Whole Lot of Crazy in One Tiny Package

In the second row of onlookers, Fromme reached underneath her ample robes and retrieved a Colt 1911 pistol from a holster on her left side. Extending her arm she leveled the gun at the President’s midriff at near contact range and squeezed the trigger.

The Killing of a Killer: The IRA, Jock Davison, and the Makarov PM

The Killing of a Killer: The IRA, Jock Davison, and the Makarov PM

Though the IRA made peace with the British, Irish guerrilla fighters sometimes remained killers. In this case, a bar fight led to a death by a Makarov PM.

Disneyworld and the Death of Osama bin Laden

Disneyworld and the Death of Osama bin Laden

US Navy SEAL named Rob O’Neill had drilled a pair of Black Hills 77-grain OTM 5.56mm rounds through the brain of the single most reviled human being on the planet. Osama bin Laden, the architect of the single greatest terrorist attack in modern history, was finally queued up to meet his seventy dark-haired virgins.

The Photograph that Lost a War

The Photograph that Lost a War

On February 1, 1968, Saigon, South Vietnam, was in the opening throes of the Tet Offensive. North Vietnamese commanders called it “The General Offensive and Uprising of Tet Mau Than 1968.” Two days prior more than 80,000 Viet Cong and North Vietnamese Army troops had attacked more than 100 towns including 36 of 44 provincial South Vietnamese capitals.

Karma and the Death of the 8th Richest Man Who Ever Lived

Karma and the Death of the 8th Richest Man Who Ever Lived

Muammar Mohammed Abu Minyar Gaddafi was born in either 1942 or 1943 to illiterate Bedouin parents who maintained no birth records. Rising from unimaginable poverty Gaddafi eventually amassed enough wealth to become the eighth richest person in human history. The sordid state in which he both entered and left the world stands in stark relief against the opulent splendor of his time in the sun.

Just Like Romeo and Juliet, But Crazy

Just Like Romeo and Juliet, But Crazy

The medical term is erotomania. This is a rare condition wherein a mentally ill person becomes fixated on another, typically someone of a higher or untouchable social or economic state. This fascinating bit of psychopathology can drive those so afflicted to some most remarkable lengths.

When the King of England Tried to Kill an American President, Kind of…

When the King of England Tried to Kill an American President, Kind of…

President Jackson was notorious for settling his differences with his fellows via gunfire. Estimates hold Jackson as having participated in between five and one hundred duels over his long and craggly life.

The Death of Anwar Sadat: Comrade Kalashnikov’s Assault Rifle Ends an Era

The Death of Anwar Sadat: Comrade Kalashnikov’s Assault Rifle Ends an Era

Anwar Sadat served as the third President of Egypt. His story is a cautionary tale about the risks associated bringing peace to the Middle East.

Alan Berg Assassination: MAC10 Murder & Gov’t Reclassification of a Semi-Auto

In this installment of our ongoing review of infamous assassination weapons, we probe the very depths of darkness and hate. The victim was a shock radio host, the assassins were dedicated white supremacists, and the weapon was an illegally converted full auto MAC10.