When the incoming fire seemed overwhelming and his comrades were falling LCPL Amarjit Pun unlimbered his Sterling submachine gun and won the day. Sometimes big things do indeed come in small packages.
Historical Guns
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LCPL Amarjit Pun and the Sterling Submachine Gun
BY Will Dabbs Published: July 25, 2021 Updated: July 25, 2021Operation Canned Goods: The Spark That Lit the Fire
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The Battle of Graveney Marsh: The Last Ground Combat Fought on British Soil
BY Will Dabbs Published: July 10, 2021 Updated: July 10, 2021WW2 was such a horrible, curious thing. These Germans flew to the English homeland dropping high explosives and ended up in a brief firefight with the Tommies responding to the crash site. When the dust settled the Brits gave the Germans beer in return for souvenirs. War is undeniably strange indeed.
A Young American Goes to War: The M1 Rifle
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John Sedgwick: The Pachydermal General & the Whitworth Sniper Rifle
BY Will Dabbs Published: June 20, 2021 Updated: June 20, 2021MG Sedgwick had no shortage of courage. His calm demeanor under fire reliably inspired his troops.
Seriously Heavy Metal: The A/ACH-47A’s of Guns-A-Go-Go
BY Will Dabbs Published: June 12, 2021 Updated: June 12, 2021The most powerful helicopter gunships ever built. The Army roster called them the 53d Aviation Detachment. Everybody else knew these thunderous monsters as Guns-A-Go-Go.
The Professional Assassination of Marielle Franco: Truly Bad Cops
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Loaches, Snakes, and the GE M134 Minigun
BY Will Dabbs Published: May 30, 2021 Updated: May 30, 2021LT Hugh Mills earned three Silver Stars, three Bronze Stars, four Distinguished Flying Crosses, and the Legion of Merit during three tours as a combat helicopter pilot in Vietnam. Mills was shot down sixteen times and thrice wounded in combat. He flew 3,300 combat hours in OH6A and AH1G helicopters.
Sons the Sturmgewehr: The G3 and the PTR
BY Mark Miller Published: May 23, 2021 Updated: May 23, 2021The G3 was a ground breaking design which held communist hordes at bay for 30 years. PTR Industries in South Carolina is building the GI PTR 100, a semi-automatic version of this robust cold warrior. Where did it come from and why was it built?
General Butt Naked and the Incomparable Power of Redemption
BY Will Dabbs Published: May 23, 2021 Updated: May 23, 2021In General Butt Naked’s stark transformation from bloodthirsty psychopath into pastor, evangelist, and mentor we see manifest the simply breathtaking power of forgiveness.