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FNH 502: Greatest Trainer of All Time?

FNH 502: Greatest Trainer of All Time?

In my opinion, perhaps the hottest new gun of 2021 is a rimfire. Introduced last month, the new FNH 502 has proven to be everything we needed for this day and age. Why am I, usually the tactical nerd for GunsAmerica Digest, so hot and bothered for a pistol that shoots 22 LR? Well mostly because I have purchased ammunition in the last two years. And even before that, I was very intrigued by the idea of a training pistol in a cheaper caliber. The FNH delivers in a way no one else has to date.

Why a Silencer Might Prevent Dementia & 17 Other Reasons You Need a Suppressor

Why a Silencer Might Prevent Dementia & 17 Other Reasons You Need a Suppressor

18 total reasons everyone should own a suppressor.

Wilson Custom Glock 19 MOS – Duty Ready

Wilson Custom Glock 19 MOS – Duty Ready

For many readers, a stock Glock 19, with good sights, meets their needs. I have several stock Glocks that I shoot well. However, one only has to look at the number of shops, that offer modification, to realize that custom Glocks are popular and meet the wants and needs of the shooter. The price of Wilson’s work, and their turnaround time, is very reasonable. Whether you want a full custom Glock, or simply some slide serrations and a trigger, Wilson can accommodate your requests. I’ve carried my Wilson Combat G-19, daily, for over five years and have been very pleased.

6.5 Creedmoor Pistol: Just Because You Can…

6.5 Creedmoor Pistol: Just Because You Can…

I am very excited this week to bring you a science experiment a year in the making! Thanks to some willing donors of time and effort, we have brought to life a Frankenstein Monster. Like many of you, I had entirely too much time on my hands at the peak of the Bat Flu scare, aka China Coof syndrome. My brain turned to crazy ideas, and I started wondering why we have AR-15 pistols, but not AR-10 pistols?

The Ruger PC Charger - Short and Sweet

The Ruger PC Charger – Short and Sweet

Trends come and go in the gun industry, and one currently ‘in’ is the subgun. Well, one of the newest subguns is the Ruger PC Charger. It’s the subgun derivative of the newly famous Ruger PC Carbine. The Ruger PC Charger keeps all of the best parts of the PC Carbine, but it just shrinks it a bit.

The Death of Stonewall Jackson: Lee Loses His Strong Right Arm

The Death of Stonewall Jackson: Lee Loses His Strong Right Arm

Jackson commanded a brigade at the First Battle of Bull Run. At a critical moment in the fight, Jackson beat back a determined Union assault. Barnard Elliot Bee, himself a distinguished Confederate General who ultimately lost his life in combat, referred to Jackson as a “stone wall” in the face of the enemy. The name stuck.

Could 'Coordinated Thermal Expansion' Make You A Better Shooter? -- SHOT Show 2022

Could ‘Coordinated Thermal Expansion’ Make You A Better Shooter? — SHOT Show 2022

Materials change dimensions with significant temperature changes, but the amount of change differs from material to material. The variety of materials used to build a rifle could affect its performance under such fluctuations. Advanced Shooting Analytics have designed their Disruption rifle to minimize such fluctuations.

College Student Indicted on 304 Gun Charges in 'Operation Overnight Express'

College Student Indicted on 304 Gun Charges in ‘Operation Overnight Express’

A former Bronx resident attending college in Tennessee has been arrested and charged with over 300 gun-related crimes.

Non-Semi-Auto AR? What the Fox Unit Does that Mean? -- SHOT Show 2022

Non-Semi-Auto AR? What the Fox Unit Does that Mean? — SHOT Show 2022

One aspect that delineates these guns as so-called “assault rifles” is that they have semi-automatic actions which use the kinetic energy created by firing one round to load the next into battery, making it ready to fire again.

'Revolutionizing Concealed Carry'? 10 Rounds of .22 LR In a Tiny Semi-Auto Package – SHOT Show 2022

‘Revolutionizing Concealed Carry’? 10 Rounds of .22 LR In a Tiny Semi-Auto Package – SHOT Show 2022

The SHOT Show is always good for a few off-the-wall products, and 2022 was no exception. Leading the way was the Ounce Oz semi-auto .22 LR handgun from Third Bay, LLC.