Gun Control

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ATF on 41F: Say Hello to the New Gun Trust Rules

ATF on 41F: Say Hello to the New Gun Trust Rules

The now-in-effect Rule 41F is a bit of a mixed blessing. It complicates how trusts are made but it also makes it easier for many people to buy NFA-regulated firearms.

Cali Gun Owners Defiantly Respond to New Gun Laws

Cali Gun Owners Defiantly Respond to New Gun Laws

California gun owners are responding to the sweeping, deeply controversial new gun laws with a combination of creative submission and noncompliance.

CA Governor Signs Major Gun Control Bills: Mag Ban, 'Assault Weapons' Ban, Database for Ammo Purchasers, More

CA Governor Signs Major Gun Control Bills: Mag Ban, ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban, Database for Ammo Purchasers, More

Contact Gov. Brown’s office today and voice your frustration with his hastiness to sign these bills less than 24 hours after receiving the bills, not allowing the public sufficient time to provide their input.

California governor approves confiscatory gun bill

Wave of Draconian Gun Bills Headed to California Governor’s Desk

It is critical that you contact Gov. Brown IMMEDIATELY and respectfully urge him to VETO all of these anti-gun bills.

Supreme Court Dangerously Expands ‘Domestic Abuser’ Definition

Supreme Court Dangerously Expands ‘Domestic Abuser’ Definition

“Today the majority expands §922(g)(9)’s sweep into patently unconstitutional territory. Under the majority’s reading, a single conviction under a state assault statute for recklessly causing an injury to a family member—such as by texting while driving—can now trigger a lifetime ban on gun ownership,” wrote Thomas in his dissenting opinion.

Europe Leaders Propose Semi-Auto Gun Ban

Europe Leaders Propose Semi-Auto Gun Ban

E.U. leaders along with Prime Minister of the U.K. David Cameron are pushing for restrictions or bans of semi-automatic rifles including deactivated guns.

Hawaii Governor Signs Bill to Put All Gun Owners in Criminal Database

Hawaii Governor Signs Bill to Put All Gun Owners in Criminal Database

“The abuse of this data collection is a given. Now you are in a ‘watch list’ simply for exercising a constitutional right.”

Senator Introduces BiPartisan ‘No-Fly, No-Buy’ Bill

Senator Introduces BiPartisan ‘No-Fly, No-Buy’ Bill

“This body has been impotent, weak, silent and a bystander to this carnage of gun violence that is going on in the United States,” Kaine said.

House Democrats Stage Impassioned Sit-In for Gun Control

House Democrats Stage Impassioned Sit-In for Gun Control

After failing to pass any new legislation as many as 40 Democrat legislators have taken the House floor by sit-in, to force a vote on new gun control laws.

Top Five Reasons to Oppose No-Fly, No-Buy Legislation

Top Five Reasons to Oppose No-Fly, No-Buy Legislation

This watchlist business is a slippery slope if there ever was one. No-Fly, No-Buy, No-Lie. Just you wait and see. It’s coming.