Gun Control

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Will Bloomberg Run for President in 2016?

Anti-Gun Groups Spend Tens of Millions to Pass Ballot Initiatives in Four States

Residents of four states have another reason to get out and vote in this year’s election.

New York Times Pushes Gun Control with Emotion Rather than Fact

New York Times Pushes Gun Control with Emotion Rather than Fact

The authors claim that a review of the 130 “worst shootings” in the last year offers a “panoramic view of some of the gun control debate’s fundamental issues.

Armatix Plans 9mm 'Smart Gun' Over New (And Old) Concerns

Armatix Plans 9mm ‘Smart Gun’ Over New (And Old) Concerns

German “smart gun” manufacturer Armatix is announcing a new, updated version of their design now chambered for 9mm Luger.

Why State Rankings Connecting 'Weak Gun Laws' to ‘Gun Violence’ Are Complete Bogus

Why State Rankings Connecting ‘Weak Gun Laws’ to ‘Gun Violence’ Are Complete Bogus

Gun-control advocates love to create these specious reports that attempt to show the impact certain anti-gun policies have on crime rates.

Debate Watch: ’There’s No Doubt I Respect the 2A,’ Says Clinton

Debate Watch: ’There’s No Doubt I Respect the 2A,’ Says Clinton

“But there is no doubt that I respect the second amendment,” said Clinton. “That I also believe there is an individual right to bear arms.

Gun Shop Offers 'Pre-Hillary' Low Pricing

Gun Shop Offers ‘Pre-Hillary’ Low Pricing

“The idea that you can have an open carry permit with an AK-47 over your shoulder walking up and down the aisles of a supermarket is just despicable,” said Clinton.

Epic Fail: New Study 'Proves' Link Between Weak Gun Laws and Gun Violence

Epic Fail: New Study ‘Proves’ Link Between Weak Gun Laws and Gun Violence

The Center for American Progress released a study last week that suggests a link between “tough” gun laws and a reduction in “gun violence.”

Brady Campaign PSA ‘Guns Don’t Kill People, Toddlers Kill People’

Brady Campaign PSA ‘Guns Don’t Kill People, Toddlers Kill People’

“If our elected leaders are really concerned about protecting Americans from violence, they should start with armed and dangerous toddlers,” said Dan Gross, President of the Brady Campaign.

Arsenal Halts Production of California Compliant Rifles

Arsenal Halts Production of California Compliant Rifles

Arsenal, Inc. will no longer manufacture two models of California-compliant rifles due to recent changes to the state’s firearms laws.

Cocks Not Glocks Group Invited to White House

Cocks Not Glocks Group Invited to White House

“Cocks Not Glocks,” an anti-campus carry group from the University of Texas a Austin, got invited to the White House last week to join a discussion on gun control and grassroots activism.