Gun Control

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Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Introduces New 'School and Firearm Safety Action Plan'

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Introduces New ‘School and Firearm Safety Action Plan’

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has introduced a 44-page plan designed to keep schools safer through increased law enforcement, more armed school personnel, better threat assessment, and better mental health interventions.

Former Anti-Gunner Explains Why He Changed Sides and Joined NRA & GOA

Former Anti-Gunner Explains Why He Changed Sides and Joined NRA & GOA

“I joined the NRA and Gun Owners of America because the groupthink that I once spewed hurts law-abiding citizens and does nothing to prevent the next deranged copycat criminal,” writes Goodman.

1000 Shootings in Chicago, Gun Group Tells Emanuel: ‘Time to Go’

Rahm Emanuel’s Advice Days After Sandy Hook: ‘Tap Peoples Emotions’

“Go for a vote this week before it fades. Tap peoples emotion. Make it simple assault weapons,” advised Emanuel.

It’s Time to Publicly Torture Mass Killers

It’s Time to Publicly Torture Mass Killers

It’s time we publicly torture mass killers. Let’s pluck out their eyes with hot pincers, splash frothing sulfuric acid on their genitals and, just about the time they’re starting to convalesce, bury them alive in a hill of agitated African army ants.

The Blueprint for Success: How Delaware Gun Owners Are Beating Back a Black Rifle Ban

The Blueprint for Success: How Delaware Gun Owners Are Beating Back a Black Rifle Ban

“The first thing I can tell people who are facing this sort of thing in their state is to get as informed as you can,” said Mitch. “Then rally all the like-minded people that you can muster. The collective voice will help you sway a couple politicians your way, and maybe you can shut these kinda things down.”

Kent State Graduate Explains Why She Openly Carried Her AR-10 on Campus

Kent State Graduate Explains Why She Openly Carried Her AR-10 on Campus

Upon graduating Sunday, Bennett decided to make a statement. She slung an AR-10 over her shoulder and strutted around the premises in a white sundress.  No longer a student, it was perfectly within the law and the university’s policy on guns for her to do so.

NRA Pres. Oliver North Calls Certain Anti-Gunners 'Civil Terrorists'

NRA Pres. Oliver North Calls Certain Anti-Gunners ‘Civil Terrorists’

Not even a full week in office and National Rifle President Oliver North is already making headlines.  Maybe for the wrong reasons…

CCRKBA: Media Needs to Start Calling Vehicles 'Assault Weapons'

CCRKBA: Media Needs to Start Calling Vehicles ‘Assault Weapons’

“Or is the problem the individual driver, rather than the equipment he turns into a weapon,” Gottlieb challenged. “Once you realize how absurd it is to call a car an ‘assault vehicle,’ you see the lunacy of defining, and then banning, so-called ‘assault rifles.’”

Father of Shooting Victim Explains Why He Isn’t Giving Up His AR-15

Father of Shooting Victim Explains Why He Isn’t Giving Up His AR-15

“I can go lay an AK-47 in the middle of a gymnasium during a basketball game, and I promise you it won’t kill one person,” he said. “It’s not until someone picks it up that it becomes dangerous.”

Last Call for Bump Stocks! Slide Fire is Shutting Down Soon

Last Call for Bump Stocks! Slide Fire is Shutting Down Soon

Last call for bump stocks! Slide Fire Solutions, the preeminent manufacturer of reciprocating stocks, is closing its doors on May 20.