Gun Control

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Say Hello to Shorter Waits, E-Filing for Form 1 Applications is Back

Say Hello to Shorter Waits, E-Filing for Form 1 Applications is Back

Form 1 electronic submissions are back. After a long wait and longer delays, the ATF is now receiving electronic submissions in addition to paper submissions, according to NFA Lawyers.

Court of Appeals Upholds New Jersey Law Banning 15-Round Mags

Court of Appeals Upholds New Jersey Law Banning 15-Round Mags

A federal appeals court upheld New Jersey’s magazine capacity limit laws, arguing 2-1 that three 10-round magazines are just as good as two 15-rounders.


Still Feeling the Hurt from Anti-Gun Policies, Dick’s May Pull All Hunting Gear from Stores

“Though it’s too early to discuss performance, we’re optimistic these changes will better serve the athletes in these communities,” Dick’s CEO Edward Stack said in a conference call.

Russian Dissident Calls for Armed Citizenry to Defend Against 'Own Government'

Russian Dissident Calls for Armed Citizenry to Defend Against ‘Own Government’

Long-time Kremlin critic Mikhail Khodorkovsky has a vision for the future of Russia, and it looks something like the United States. Along with a “constitutional republic” and decentralized government, Khodorkovsky believes an armed citizenry will help secure freedom for the people of Russia.

New York Law Would Check Social Media Before Issuing Gun Licenses

New York Law Would Check Social Media Before Issuing Gun Licenses

Senate Bill 9191 would require that anyone getting a state handgun license to have “his or her social media accounts and search engine history reviewed.”

NRA and Second Amendment Foundation File Suit in Washington over I-1639

NRA and Second Amendment Foundation File Suit in Washington over I-1639

Following the passage of some of the strictest gun control legislation in the country, the NRA and the Second Amendment Foundation are suing Washing state.

Democratic Rep: 'Don’t Want to Give Up Your Guns? We’ll Nuke You!'

Democratic Rep: ‘Don’t Want to Give Up Your Guns? We’ll Nuke You!’

California Rep. Eric Swalwell (D) believes an “assault weapons” ban isn’t enough. He wants to confiscate all semi-automatic rifles, and he’s willing to use any means necessary to achieve his gun-free utopic vision.

Sign Petition Calling for Arrest of Anti-Gun Hypocrite Ashton Kutcher (Who Illegally Transferred Firearm, Allegedly)

Sign Petition Calling for Arrest of Anti-Gun Hypocrite Ashton Kutcher (Who Illegally Transferred Firearm, Allegedly)

Want a good “common sense” gun policy? How about legislation that bans actors and Hollywood types from pontificating on guns, gun laws, gun handling, and gun control? The latest gun-related bungle comes from Ashton Kutcher, the now 40-year-old star of That 70’s Show and subsequent mediocre romantic comedies. (So, an expert on gun laws.)

And So It Begins: House Dems Move to Ban AR Parts Kits

And So It Begins: House Dems Move to Ban AR Parts Kits

Democrats filed H.R. 7115 even before they regained control of the U.S. House of Representatives, and now that they hold a solid majority, they’re ready to make their gun control fantasies come true.

Maryland Police Fatally Shoot Man While Trying to Confiscate Firearms

Maryland Police Fatally Shoot Man While Trying to Confiscate Firearms

“I’m just dumbfounded right now,” she said. “My uncle wouldn’t hurt anybody. They didn’t need to do what they did.”