Gun Control

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New DOJ Survey Results Throw Cold Water on Universal Background Checks, 'Assault Weapon' Ban

New DOJ Survey Results Throw Cold Water on Universal Background Checks, ‘Assault Weapon’ Ban

Democrats didn’t waste any time proposing a universal background check bill and an “assault weapons” ban when they took control of the U.S. House, but a newly released survey from the Department of Justice indicates (once again) that neither policy is likely to reduce crime.

Pennsylvania Governor Calls for Total Ban on all Semi-Automatic Weapons

Pennsylvania Governor Calls for Total Ban on all Semi-Automatic Weapons

Just one day after a gun rights rally in Pittsburgh that attracted hundreds of gun owners protesting the city’s proposed “assault weapons” ban, Democratic Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf voiced his support for a complete ban on all semi-automatic weapons.

David Hogg & New Congress Push Universal Background Check Bill

David Hogg & New Congress Push Universal Background Check Bill

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, California Rep. Mike Thompson, and former Arizona Rep. Gabby Giffords unveiled a bill on Tuesday that would prohibit the private sale of firearms. With the exception of law enforcement and the transfer of guns between friends and family, all gun sales would require a background check to be conducted on the prospective buyer.

18, 19, and 20-Year-Old Washington Residents Can No Longer Purchase Semi-Auto Rifles

18, 19, and 20-Year-Old Washington Residents Can No Longer Purchase Semi-Auto Rifles

The first part of Washington State’s new slate of gun ban policies took effect this week and prohibited 18, 19, and 20-year-olds from purchasing any kind of semiautomatic rifle.

NY Times Op-Ed Calls for ‘Comprehensive Database of All Gun Owners’

New York Times: Credit Card Companies Should Track Gun Purchases and Report ‘Suspicious Activity’

Gun collectors, competitive shooters, and hunters frequently purchase multiple firearms in a short span of time, especially during the holiday season. But a new column from the New York Times argues that credit card companies should monitor those purchases and report them to law enforcement officials as a way to prevent mass murders.

Venezuela is a Case Study for What Can Happen to a Disarmed Population

Venezuela is a Case Study for What Can Happen to a Disarmed Population

Venezuela’s 2012 Disarmament Law banned the private ownership of firearms, and now, according to a new report, its citizens are beginning to realize how gun rights could have kept crime and government tyranny at bay.

Trump Admin Supports Arming School Personnel and Red Flag Laws, Rejects Age Restrictions in New Report

Trump Admin Supports Arming School Personnel and Red Flag Laws, Rejects Age Restrictions in New Report

The Federal Commission on School Safety led by Education Secretary Betsy DeVos released a 177-page report yesterday outlining its recommendations for preventing, mitigating, and responding to school shootings.

Moms Demand Action Instructor Teaches 'Gun Safety' by Holding Handgun by the Muzzle

Moms Demand Action Instructor Teaches ‘Gun Safety’ by Holding Handgun by the Muzzle

Moms Demand Action launched a new campaign this year to encourage parents to “BeSmart” about gun safety. The problem? Their “instructors” don’t appear to know the first thing about safe gun handling.

Pittsburgh Mayor Thumbs Nose at State Legislature, Proposes Trio of Gun Ban Measures

Pittsburgh Mayor Thumbs Nose at State Legislature, Proposes Trio of Gun Ban Measures

Pittsburgh Mayor William Peduto has been a busy boy. Last week he was in Paris grandstanding about climate change, and now he’s sticking his proverbial finger in the eye of the Pennsylvania state legislature by proposing a trio of anti-gun measures in direct contradiction to the state’s firearms preemption law.

Media Misses on Gun Deaths and Vehicle Deaths Once Again

Media Misses on Gun Deaths and Vehicle Deaths Once Again

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released this month their annual “Underlying Cause of Death” report, and the media has, predictably, zeroed in on data related to firearms.