Proving once again that the gun ban lobby will never, ever be satisfied, the New York state legislature just passed six additional restrictions to lawful gun ownership in the Empire State.
Gun Control
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New York Passes Sweeping Anti-Gun Bills Disarming Teachers, Requiring 30-Day Waiting Period
BY Jordan Michaels Published: January 31, 2019 Updated: January 31, 2019Kamala Harris Wants Congressmen in a ‘Locked Room’ with ‘Autopsy Photographs’ of Children Killed in Sandy Hook
BY Jordan Michaels Published: January 31, 2019 Updated: January 31, 2019California Democratic Senator and presidential front-runner Kamala Harris told a CNN town hall in Des Moines on Monday that Congressmen in 2012 should have been placed in “a locked room, no press, no one, nobody else” and required to examine “the autopsy photographs of those babies” killed in the Sandy Hook massacre.
Gun Owners of America Join Suit to Challenge the National Firearms Act
BY Max Slowik Published: January 31, 2019 Updated: January 31, 2019GOA along with the GOF are filing an appeal in the Tenth Circuit court that could have an effect on how the National Firearms Act is applied.
Hypocrite Alert! Bloomberg Says It’s ‘Ridiculous’ Johns Hopkins Doesn’t Have an Armed Police Force
BY Jordan Michaels Published: January 23, 2019 Updated: January 23, 2019Anti-gun kingpin and gun-ban bankroller Michael Bloomberg said in a press conference on Tuesday that his alma mater, Johns Hopkins University, should have an armed private police force to defend students and faculty from the more unsavory elements of Baltimore’s crime-ridden streets.
Dems Announce New Federal Gun Storage Legislation (Fines, Forfeiture & Jail Time for Noncompliance)
BY John Thomas Published: January 21, 2019 Updated: January 21, 2019“That’s the purpose of this federal law,” stated Blumenthal, “to hold accountable any firearms owner who fails to safely store or secure their firearms, to prevent access from minors or from others who are dangerous, convicted of crimes, and make our communities safer.”
Washington Senator wants Legislators Proposing Gun Laws to Pass Firearms Test First
BY Max Slowik Published: January 18, 2019 Updated: January 18, 2019Washington State Sen. Phil Fortunato just introduced legislation that would require lawmakers to pass a test before they could make new gun control laws.
Brazilian President Green Lights Gun Ownership So Citizens May ‘Have Peace Inside Their Homes’
BY John Thomas Published: January 17, 2019 Updated: January 17, 2019“To guarantee the legitimate right of defense, as president I am using this weapon,” Bolsonaro said as he held up the pen he used to sign the decree. “I signed this decree, created by many upstanding people, so that at this first moment, upstanding citizens can have peace inside their homes,” Bolsonaro explained.
Virginia Governor’s Gun Control Plan Would Prohibit Firearms Capable of Accepting 10-Round Mags
BY John Thomas Published: January 17, 2019 Updated: January 17, 2019Governor Northam (D) has a plan to reduce the number and types of firearms Virginia residents can purchase and possess.
Jamie Foxx, The Killers Speak on ‘Gun Violence’ and It’s about What You’d Expect
BY Jordan Michaels Published: January 17, 2019 Updated: January 17, 2019Celebrities don’t have a stellar track record commenting on gun policy as admitted “felon” Ashton Kutcher proved (once again) earlier this year. Rock band The Killers and Jamie Foxx maintained that trend earlier this week.
Draconian Oregon Legislation Would Require Permit to Purchase, Cap Mags at 5 Rounds
BY Jordan Michaels Published: January 16, 2019 Updated: January 16, 2019The Democrat-controlled Oregon legislature would become the most restrictive state in the Union with a new raft of gun-control measures set to be considered in this year’s legislative session. Among other restrictions, SB 501 would require a permit to purchase any kind of firearm, cap magazine capacity at five rounds, limit ammo purchases to 20-rounds per month, and delay firearms transfer for 14 days.